The Hire Advantage Supervisor Program is available to part-time and full-time faculty and staff members of WCU. The program aims to connect supervisors of student workers to additional resources and information regarding managing students for optimum student professional development. The program centers around high impact practices in student employment and student development theory to give supervisors a more informed look at how their students learn, reflect, and develop.
Introduction and Welcome. Topics covered: purpose of Hire Advantage; benefits of student employment; class introduction.
Designing a High Impact Student Employment Program. Topics covered: an introduction to High Impact Practices (HIPs) and deep learning environments; an introduction to Bloom's Taxonomy; an introduction to Challenge and Support student development theory; introductory strategies to implement in your student employment program.
Developing and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes. Topics covered: assessment cycles; student learning outcomes (SLOs) vs. program outcomes; common mistakes; assessment strategies. Participants will also draft SLOs for their student employment program.
Hiring and Onboarding Student Workers. Topics covered: unconscious bias in hiring and supervisory practices, inclusive hiring and supervisory practices, and suggested student employment training ideas. NOTE: Hire Advantage does not review hiring proposals or provide information regarding PeopleAdmin or JobCat for job postings. Please see Michelle Lawson in the Office of Human Resources for Non Work Study or Catherine Butterfield for Work Study questions.
Evaulating Student Workers and Using the Experiential Learning Cycle(ELC). Topics covered: why and suggestions on how to evaluate student workers, an introduction to learning theory and the ELC as it applies to student employment.
Understading Educator Roles and Learning Styles: Topics covered: information on using the Educator Role Profile (based on the ELC), what roles to play and when, an introduction into Kolb's Nine Learning Styles. Participants will complete a free Educator Role Profile assessment as well as self-select their preferred learning styles. A discussion on what this means for their management styles and supervisory practices will be explored.
Managing Gen Z Students and Fostering Professionalism: Topics covered: basics of generational theory; how technology, global events, and pop culture shape a generation; implications for Gen Z students; strategies for fostering professional skills in student development, regardless of the type of position students hold on campus.
Applying Adult and Career Development Theories to Student Employment: Topics covered: career management skills in students, Krumboltz's Planned Happenstance theory, Baxter Magolda's Theory of Self Authorship, and Arnett's Emerging Adulthood model.
Contact Carrie Hachadurian, Student Development Coordinator for the Center for Career and Professional Development, at 828.227.3888 or
You may register for the Hire Advantage Canvas course any time prior to the start of the course.
Any part-time or full-time, non-student Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵfaculty or staff. Graduate Assistants are also welcomed to enroll. Register at
No, any Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵfaculty and staff (non student) may register, regardless if you are currently supervisor student workers
Yes. The program is split into two half-day in-person classes.
Yes. The Hire Advantage Canvas course will be offered once each semester as well as during the summer session as demand allows.
The course is designed to be interative so that supervisors can connect with other supervisors on campus in a meaningful way. Therefore, each course will be limited to 15 participants.
Possibly. Please see Chris Dahlquist in Human Resources to request credit in the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵWorks program.
No, the program has no cost.