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Current Student Information

Beginning Fall 2021, the OAR launched a new Accessible Information Management system (AIM). You can learn more about AIM and how to use it in the tabs below. If you already know how to use AIM, click on the Current Student AIM Portal button provided. 

NOTE: The office will no longer be emailing or providing paper copies of accommodation letters. All accommodations will be sent to instructors through AIM.

How to: Accommodation Letters

Please read all steps before you begin. Students will need to complete these steps at the beginning of each semester

Review the instructions:

AIM Pictoral Instructions

Click on the purple Current Student AIM Portal button to the right of this page or the bottom of your cell phone.

Once in the AIM Portal, click Student or Staff Sign In.

Sign in with your Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵCatamount email.

Under My Accommodations, click My Eligibilty to review your Accommodations for accuracy.

**This is what your accommodations will look like when your instuctors log into AIM.

Under Home, click My Dashboard and scroll down the page.

Step 1: Select Class(es) - click on class(es) that you would like to use your accommodations.

Step 2: Click Continue to Customize Your Accommodations

Click on the accommodations you would like to use for each class.

**Your instructors will log into AIM to receive your accommodations.

Write an introductory email to your course instructor(s) to confirm receipt of your accommodations. You are encouraged to discuss specific aspects of your course(s) in relation to your needs and how these accommodations may be utilized.

General Questions

AIM is an online accommodation management portal that facilitates interaction with the OAR, students, faculty and staff. The system protects confidential information about you and allows for streamlined communication between students, faculty and staff.

The OAR office is located at Killian Annex in Suite 137. Our building is located between Killian Building and Forsyth Building next to the BIG purple Adirondack chair.