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Housing Accommodations

Residential Living seeks to provide clean, safe, and healthy living environments that enhance and support the educational mission, goals, and creed of WCU. We understand that some students may need disability-related accommodations or special considerations to ensure an equitable experience while at WCU.

Disability Related Requests

ĢƵ is committed to providing equal access to housing for all students living on campus with qualifying disabilities. Toward this goal, WCU provides accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Fair Housing Act, and other applicable laws.

Step 1: Make sure you have completed your

Step 2: Register with OAR and complete your

Step 3: Upload documentation with your Housing Accommodations Application. Note: Do not send any medical documentation to Residential Living.

Step 4: The Housing Accommodations Committee will review complete requests (that have all documentation) twice per semester—before room assignments are made and once again during the semester. Requests that are submitted and/or documentation received outside of published deadlines will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and might not be approved for the current semester.

OAR will notify you and Residential Living of the committee’s determination. Residential Living will review available housing options and discuss your assignment with you.

Please note: Neither the presence of a disability nor approval for a housing accommodation guarantees on-campus housing or a specific roommate. At times, students may have to forgo a preferred roommate to receive a housing assignment that meets their approved accommodation.

Housing accommodation requests are determined on a case-by-case basis with respect to sufficient documentation that meets University guidelines.

Documentation should be provided by a licensed health or mental health provider with knowledge of the student and must include the diagnosed disability (definition: a mental or physical condition that limits one or more life activities), the functional limitations (impact) of that disability, and MOST IMPORTANTLY a description of how the requested accommodation mitigates, alleviates, or otherwise is necessary to accommodate the impact of that disability. This determination should be based upon access (equal opportunity for participation) and not on a perceived benefit to the student.

Accommodations for various disabilities and chronic conditions can take time to implement. It is important that accommodation requests for pre-existing conditions be made at the time of application for housing. Requests for accommodations (including ESA requests) should be made well in advance of room assignments. Once housing assignments are made, requests are subject to availability and other constraints.

Housing accommodations are evaluated by a committee, and space is limited in on-campus housing, therefore requests must be made by the following deadlines:

Requests for Academic Year Assignments (Occupancy starting in Fall) – June 1

Requests for Spring Room Assignments – November 1

Requests for Summer Housing – May 15

If you are making your request outside of these deadlines, please state in your comments the reason for the late request. Late requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis if there is a disability-related reason for the missed deadline (such as: the disability impact only recently made the requested accommodation necessary). Otherwise, the request will be considered for the following semester and will be subject to availability.

ĢƵ is committed to providing equal access to housing for all students living on campus with qualifying disabilities. True to our mission to create inclusive communities, Residential Living permits qualified service and assistance animals (i.e. Emotional Support Animals/ESAs) in all residential facilities.

To qualify for a service animal or ESA in housing, you must:

Step 1: Make sure you have completed your

Step 2: Register with OAR and complete your

Step 3: If your request is for an ESA, you will receive an additional form to complete: Student Request for ESA. 

This form asks specific information regarding the animal and asks that you list a reliable medical or mental health care provider who can provide documentation in support of your request. Your application cannot be processed until this form is received. Please note that YOU must complete and sign the form and we will then reach out to the provider directly. Your signature on this form serves as a release of information for the provider. The provider does NOT sign this form.

The provider MUST be a reliable medical or mental health care professional in NC or your home state with whom you have an established relationship and who has personally seen you, so that they can verify 1) the presence of a mental health disability (not just a diagnosis) that severely limits one or more major life activities; 2) the functional limitations of that disability (how it limits you); and 3) a description of how the animal is necessary to alleviate or mitigate symptoms of that disability.

Please note that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been asked to investigate websites that say they will provide documentation from a health care provider in support of requests for an ESA. The websites in question offer (for sale) documentation that is NOT reliable for purposes of determining whether an individual has a disability or disability-related need for an ESA because the website operators and the health care professionals who consult with them lack personal knowledge of the student and do not provide the information that is necessary to make such determinations. The same is true for websites that claim to “certify” or “register” ESA’s.

Step 4: OAR will review complete requests (that have ALL documentation) and make a determination. Requests that are submitted and/or documentation received after published deadlines (see above) will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and might not be approved for the current semester.

If the request is NOT approved, you will be contacted with the reason. You may appeal this decision to the OAR. If the request is approved, Residential Living will contact you for next steps, including required vaccinations and to review policies and responsibilities for the animal owner.

Keep in mind

An ESA is an animal that has a therapeutic relationship with a person with a disability. It is NOT a way to get a pet—established or new--to live with you in on-campus housing. Therefore, approval is for a specific animal that is 6 months or older. Blanket approval for ANY ESA will not be given. ESA’s must be a common household animal and must not be a threat to the health and safety of the campus living community. Certain species are known to carry zoonotic diseases and, as such, are restricted. If you have questions about the type of ESA you would like to request, please contact the OAR.

Please consider the on-campus living environment and your specific residential space as you consider your request for an ESA. ESA’s are approved for the student’s individual living space only and are not allowed in common areas except as they are being taken out for natural relief, and all ESA’s must be confined by a crate, cage, habitat, or other means when the student is not in the room. Not all animals are suited for such an environment and if your ESA is stressed, unhappy, and unhealthy, it will be unable to provide you with the therapeutic support and symptom control you may need.

Approval through OAR is NOT the end of the process. Residential Living has additional requirements (such as vaccination requirements and a responsibility agreement). The ESA is NOT to be in on-campus housing until Residential Living has given final approval.