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Technology Commons



The Technology Commons, located on the ground floor of Hunter Library, is a place for students to enjoy a relaxing collaborative atmosphere while having access to expert technical assistance and an open-access computer lab with specialty software. We also provide Technology Support (see a list of services below), Software & Technology Training, and Apple & Dell Computer Purchasing assistance.

Student Services

Free software support and repair is available at the Technology Commons service desk. Assistance with virus/malware removal, data backup, software installation (including operating systems), and other software issues can be requested by all Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵstudents. Some repairs may require computers to be checked in to the Technology Commons for more in-depth repairs. Software support is available remotely for those who are unable to visit in person; this service can be requested via the IT Help Desk at 828.227.7487 or via a self-service ticket at

Warranty repairs for Apple and Dell computers, purchased through the University's and websites, can be handled at the Technology Commons service desk. Some non-warranty hardware repairs are available for Apple and Dell laptops,  while all other brands are eligible for hard drive and RAM replacement where possible.

Microsoft Office 365 is available for all Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵstudents FREE of charge. Please visit the service desk or follow our Device Setup Guide to install office. 

Students have access to the Adobe Creatice Cloud software in the Technology Commons space. Some software that is needed for class can be found on . For assistance with VCAT or software downloads, visit the service desk.

Assistance with connecting smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices to Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵstudent email accounts and wireless can be requested at the service desk or find the instructions online for WCU student email and wireless.  

Campus email, myWCU, and Canvas account support is available at the service desk, by phone at 828.227.7487, or via a self-service ticket at

Assistance with connecting to the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵwired or wireless network is available at the service desk or by appointment through the IT Help Desk at 828.227.7487. Technology Commons'  staff also provide networking assistance for residence halls.

Assistance with modeling and printing using the 3D Printers located in the 3DU Makerspace. Students may receive training to print and scan the items themselves or submit their designs via the . Designs can be printed in a variety of colors and qualities for a small fee.

Faculty & Staff Services

Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵfaculty and staff can obtain basic support for Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵissued computers at the Technology Commons service desk.

Faculty and staff can have Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵemail and myÄ¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵpasswords reset at the service desk.  A valid photo ID (Cat Card, drivers license, passport, military ID, etc.) is required for password resets.

Microsoft Office 365 is available FREE of charge for your work and personal devices. Please visit the service desk or follow our device setup guide to install office. 

Assistance with connecting to Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵemail and wireless on various mobile devices is available at the service desk.

Assistance with connecting to the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵwired or wireless network is available at the service desk or by appointment through the IT Help Desk at 828.227.7487. 

Assistance with modeling and printing using the 3D Printers located in the 3DU Makerspace. Faculty and staff may receive training to print and scan the items themselves or submit their designs via the . Designs can be printed in a variety of colors and qualities for a small fee.

The Technology Commons can also work with Faculty members to incorporate 3D printing and modeling into their class cirriculum and are available for classroom visits by appointment. For ideas and past projects go to our