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Course Tutoring

Small-Group Course Tutoring

The Writing and Learning Commons provides free, small-group tutoring for more than 100 courses each semester. Tutoring is conducted on an appointment basis. Course-based tutoring is scheduled 24 hours in advance.

 The WaLC also offers Spanish conversation assistance for any current students who wish to improve their Spanish speaking skills. Spanish conversation assistants are native or heritage Spanish speakers who are interested in sharing their culture and language with others. Most conversation assistants also work as Spanish tutors in the WaLC.Click "Get Tutoring" on the right to schedule an appointment. If you need help in a class but tutoring is not available, talk to your instructor. Most instructors are available to work with you outside of class or to help you identify additional resources.The Mathematics Tutoring Center, located in 437 Stillwell , provides drop-in tutoring services for all lower-division math classes and many computer science courses. Math tutors can also help with mathematical concepts in other disciplines.