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Bill Ogletree

Ogle tree


Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Phone: 828.227.3379
Email: ogletree@wcu.edu
Office Address: 158A Health and Human Sciences Building


  • Ph.D., Florida State University
  • M.S., University of Memphis
  • B.S., University of Southern Mississippi


I came to Western in 1992 from the University of Kansas Medical Center where I served as coordinator for speech and language services in the Children Rehabilitation Unit (now the Child Development Unit). I received my B.S. from the University of Southern Mississippi, my M.S. from the University of Memphis, and my Ph.D. from Florida State University. Courses I am teaching or have taught recently are: Child Language Disorders, AAC, Infant Toddler Communication, and Severe Disabilities Seminars. I am honored to be CSD’s Catherine Brewer Smith Distinguished Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders.   

My research interests center around the communication abilities and needs of persons with severe disabilities and autism. In the past three years, I have had 12 publications related to these populations including my new edited book, AAC: Challenges and Solutions (Plural Press). I am an ASHA Fellow, and a member of the National Joint Committee for the Communicative Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities. I am also an Associate Editor of the journal Augmentative and Alternative Communication and a Section Editor (Severe Disabilities and Autism) for the American Journal on Speech Language Pathology

On a personal note, when not in the office, I enjoy my family (two kids, wife, and three pets), guitars, and fly-fishing. I also like following the Cats and Southern Miss athletics.

Journal Articles (* = Peer Reviewed) /Book Chapters

Ogletree, B.T., (2021).  Challenges and solutions in Augmentative and Alternative Communication.  B. Ogletree’s Ed. Augmentative and Alternative Communication:  Challenges and Solutions (pp. 3-20), Plural Press.

Ogletree, B.T., & K. Williams (2021).  Becoming a solution oriented AAC Provider.  B. Ogletree’s Ed. Augmentative and Alternative Communication:  Challenges and Solutions (pp. 369-382) Plural Press.

*Tucker, D., Compton, V., Allen, S.J., Mayo, R., Hooper, C., Ogletree, B.T., Flynn, P., Frazier, A., McMurry, S. (in press). Exploring barriers to doctoral education in Communication Sciences and Disorders:  Insights From Practicing Professionals. To appear in Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.

*Ogletree, B.T., Price, J.R., & Campbell, J.M. (2020).  A selective review of Milieu Interventions for adults with severe intellectual disabilities. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 7, 109-115.

Ogletree, B.T. (2020).  Communication Evaluation and Intervention for a Young Child with Severe Intellectual Disability. In R.C. Branski & S.M Molfenter’s Ed. Speech-Language Pathology Casebook. Thieme Publishing.

Campbell J.M., Ogletree B., Rose A., Price J. (2020) Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Autism Spectrum Disorder. In: McClain M., Shahidullah J., Mezher K. (eds) Interprofessional Care Coordination for Pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorder. Springer, Cham.

*Ogletree, B.T., Bartholomew, P. & Price, J. (2019).  Large-Group Application of Communication Partner Instruction with Stakeholders of Adults with Severe Intellectual Disabilities.  Communication Disorders Quarterly, DOI: 10.1177/1525740119830652

Ogletree, B.T., Rose, A., & Hambrecht, G. (2019).  Evidenced-Based Practices for Teaching School-aged Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Complex Communication Needs.  In Ganz & Simpson’s (Eds.) Interventions for Individuals with Autism spectrum Disorders and Complex Communication Needs (pp.193-225), Paul H. Brooks Publishing.

Peckham-Hardin, K. D., Hanreddy, A., & Ogletree, B. T. (2018). Preparing teachers to facilitate communication skills in   students with severe disabilities (Document No. IC- 17). Retrieved from University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform Center website: 

Barnhill, J., McLean, L.K., Ogletree, B.T., Price, J., & Watson, L. (2018). Communication Disorders (pp. 79-90).  In R.J. Fletcher, J. Barnhill, & S. Cooper’s Diagnostic Manual-Intellectual Disability: A Clinical Guide for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disability, Kingston, New York, NADD Press.

Ogletree, B.T., McMurry, S., Schmidt, M., & Evans, K., (2018). The Changing World of AAC:  Examining Three Realities Faced by Today’s AAC Provide.  Sig 12 Perspectives, 3 (part 3), 113-117.

*Ogletree, B.T., & Price, J. (2017). Nonstandardized evaluation of emergent communication in individuals with severe intellectual disabilities:  Exploring existing options and proposing innovations.  Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Available at doi.org/10-.1007/541252-017-0043-3.

*Ogletree, B.T., (2017).  Addressing the Communication and other Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities through Engaged   Interprofessional Teams:  Introduction to the Clinical Forum. American Journal on Speech Language Pathology, 26, 157-161.

*Ogletree, B.T., Brady, N., Bruce, S., Dean, E., Romski, M.A., Sylvester, L., & Westling, D., (2017).  Mary’s case:  An illustration of interprofessional collaborative practice for a child with severe disabilities. American Journal on Speech Language Pathology, 26, 217-226.

*Sylvester, L., Ogletree, B.T., & Lunnen, K. (2017).  Co-treatment as a Vehicle for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice:  Physical Therapists and Speech-Language Pathologists Collaborating in the Care of Children with Severe Disabilities.  American Journal on Speech Language Pathology, 26, 206-216.

*Price, J. R., Lacey, E. L., Weaver, V. L., & Ogletree, B. T. (2016). Teaching students with ASD to elaborate as writers: Findings from an     intervention strategy designed for one child. Submitted to Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, early publication online at doi: 10.1080/10573569.2016.1238328.

*Lacey, E. Ogletree, B., Rice, T., & Rose, A. (2016).   Milieu Training for Adults with Severe Intellectual Disability:  A Clinical Illustration.  Communication Disorders Quarterly, early publication online at doi: 10.1177/1525740116674437.

Barnhill, J., McLean, L., Ogletree, B.T., Price, J.P., & Watson, L. (2016). Communication Disorders.  In Fletcher, R., Loschen, E., Stavrakaki, C., & First, M. (Eds.) Diagnostic Manual-Intellectual Disability II (DSM-ID II):  A Guide for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (pp. 91-114). American Psychological Association:  NADD Press.

Ogletree, B.T., Price, J., Rose, A., & Ogletree, J. (2016).  Five things every teacher should know about their student with autism. ±·´¡³§·¡°Õ’s Autism Spectrum Disorders Series, September, 2016, .

Ogletree, B.T. (2016).  The communicative context of autism.  R. Simpson, and B. Smith Myles, (Eds.) Educating children and youth with autism:  Strategies for effective practice (3rd Edition, pp.83-120). Austin, TX:  Pro-Ed.

Crais, E. & Ogletree, B.T. (2016).  Prelinguistic communication development.  In D. Keen, H. Meadan, N.C. Brady, & J.W. Halle (Eds.) Prelinguistic and minimally verbal communicators on the autism spectrum (p. 33-50). New York, NY:  Springer.

Ogletree, B.T. (2016) Measuring Communication and Language Skills in Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disabilities.  In Sevcik, R. A. & Romski, M. A. (Eds.) Examining the Science and Practice of Communication Interventions for Individuals with Severe Disabilities (p. 281-298).  Baltimore, MD:  Paul H. Brookes.

*Ogletree, B.T., Bartholomew, P., Kirksey, M.L., Guenigsman, A., Hambrecht, G., Price, J., & Wofford, M.C., (2016). Communication Training Supporting an AAC user with Severe Disabilities.  Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 28: 135. doi:10.1007/s10882-015-9444-2.

*Brady, N., Bruce, S., Goldman, A., Erickson, K., Mineo, B., Ogletree, B., Paul, D., Romski, M.A., Sevcik, R., Siegel, E., Schoonover, J., Snell, M., Sylvester, L., & Wilkinson, K. (2016).  Communication services and supports for individuals with severe disabilities:  Guidance for assessment and intervention. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 121 (2), 121-138.

*Ogletree, B.T. (2015).  Meeting Complex Communication Needs Associated with Genetic Syndromes: A Call to Interprofessional Education and Practice. SIG 12 Perspectives on AAC, 24, 67-73.