The world is literally full of options for studying abroad. See the International Programs and Services website for more information.
Courses taken at a foreign university may be applied to the International Studies major, when approved by the Director. Students can choose a shorter study abroad experience (typically through a faculty-led trip over the summer or university holidays) or a more immersive experience (typically in the form of a semester of study at a foreign university).
For students who choose to study abroad for a semester, the International Studies
Program may offer some financial support to help off-set costs. Interested students
can apply for a $500 Global Catamount Award. Applications for this award are competitive.
To apply, students must 1) be a declared International Studies major, 2) must have
completed 45 hours of undergraduate coursework, 3) must be registered for study abroad
in the next semester, and 4) must hold at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
If you meet the qualifications and are interested,