Novelist Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle leads students in a writing exercise about place
Minor in Creative Writing and Publishing
In this minor, students hone their writing skills in classes focused on fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. They also take literature classes to engage with the literary traditions they are joining.
In this minor, students customize the hours they take, drawing from the full array of department course offerings (beyond the 100-/200-level Liberal Studies courses) .
In this minor, students study film in its cultural contexts, historical tradition, and current moment.
Students pursuing a minor in U.S. Latina/o Studies will learn about and engage with issues of diversity, inclusion, and global awareness as these relate to the histories, social issues, and cultural production of Latinx peoples.
In this minor, students explore literature from both critical and creative perspectives in their cultural contexts.
In this minor, students sharpen their writing skills and learn to engage with new technologies and writing strategies for the business world.
The minor in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) prepares students to work with non-native English speakers in a variety of contexts, ranging from the public-school classroom to overseas teaching to community college instruction to language support in community settings. Upon completion of the TESOL minor, students majoring in education will be better prepared to meet the linguistic and cultural needs of multilingual learners in K-12 schools and community colleges. The TESOL minor is also geared to students interested in traveling abroad and teaching English as a foreign language.