Dr. Daryl Hale joined colleague Dr. Jim McLachlan at the Congress of Personalism at Domus Galilaeae on the Mount of Beatitudes, Israel in mid-August 2019, organized by McLachlan. They both traveled in the area and presented at the conference.
Daryl presented “Profits, Paper, or Persons? Kant’s Dignifying of Labor” and Jim presented “Persons, Institutions, and Trust: The Intellectual Legacy of Thomas O. Buford” and “The Comfort of Things: Personal Objects, Possession, Dwelling, and the Desire to Be God in Sartre and Levinas”.
The conference accepted “papers in any area or discipline..., so long as their themes are of concern to the ideas and concepts of persons, personhood, and personality as a philosophical, theological, psychological, social, political, historical, creative or linguistic concern.”