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Japanese Program

4 images of Japanese Classes


ĢƵ (WCU) is a regional, comprehensive university which is part of the University of North Carolina System. ĢƵhas offered courses in Japanese language and culture, from beginning to advanced levels, since 2003. These courses are currently all taught in a multimedia environment, making the most of the technology that ĢƵhas at its disposal and many other exciting ways to connect to the language and culture.

Goals of the Japanese Program

  1. Help students acquire a broader socio-cultural knowledge about Japan from insider and outsider perspectives.
  2. Build necessary skills needed after graduation to have the potential to be globally marketable citizens with language and cultural responsiveness such as strong intercultural awareness, intellectual growth, and critical thinking skills.

To achieve these goals, we have adopted an integrated approach based on the 5Cs (Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) by ACTFL (American Councils on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) for the continuing coordination of language, content courses, and extracurricular activities in order to deepen the students’ academic understanding.

WCU’s Strategic Plan stated academic excellence and a commitment delivering “high quality educational programs that enhance students’ intellectual, creative, personal, and social development,” while also providing students with the tools to “advance and excel as 21st century citizens.” We consider the Japanese program as a whole to impart knowledge but also acknowledge, analyze, and resolve complex student questions and issues generated during the course of study. In sum, we firmly believe that fulfillment of the objectives above will contribute to the further development of ĢƵaccording to The Strategic Plan.

For more detailed information about our program, please contact Japanese Program faculty members.

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