What programs have you completed here?
Spanish and Parks Management.
Where do you call home?
Zebulon, NC.
What are your plans after graduation?
I'm going to work with American Conservation Experience and AmeriCorps in California.
Tell us a meaningful Spanish-related story.
I study Spanish because I want to communicate with a lot of people around the world.
During my third year here, I studied in Costa Rica for a semester. I like the Tico
culture (Pura vida!). I learned about environmental diversity and met a lot of nice
people. When I came back to the US, I missed Costa Rica. Last summer, I had the chance
of returning to Costa Rica as a guide for a group of students. I'm grateful for the
experience and for the people I've met. I could eat and Papaya for the rest of my life and be happy! I hope to be able to return to Costa
Rica again.
Any advice for students learning Spanish now?
Travel if possible! Also, read a lot in Spanish - novels, online newspapers, magazines
- to improve your vocabulary.