Biology faculty members are committed to excellence in teaching and research, engaging students in coursework and creative inquiries by promoting the free and friendly interchange of ideas.
Physiology related to nutrition and mind; Experimental design and analysis; Statistical inference (philosophies and application)
Associate Professor
Regenerative medicine and the genetics that underlie diseases of bones and joints
Professor and Director Highlands Biological Station
Evolutionary genetics and behavior of social insects, especially social Lepidoptera and Symphyta
Associate Instructor
Arthropod behavior, kin selection, kin-specific communication and signaling
Associate Professor
Microbial ecology, diversity of bacteria and archaea in soils and waters, zymurgy
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director
Molecular biology, protein biochemistry, plant metabolism
Assistant Professor
Drosophila biologist, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Nutritional control of stem cells in fly ovaries
Associate Professor
Molecular biology; protein dynamics involved in apical sorting, signal transduction, and cellular quality control pathways.
Richard C. Bruce, Ph.D., Duke University; life histories, ecology, and evolution of plethodontid salamanders
Kefyn M. Catley, Ph.D., Cornell University; arthropod systematics, evolutionary biology, science education, cello,
Frederick A. Coyle, Ph.D., Harvard University; systematics, behavior, and ecology of spiders
Beverly Collins, Ph.D., Ph D, Rutgers State University of New Jersey New Brunswick; conservation, restoration, and dynamics of plant communities
Laura E. DeWald, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; ecological genetics, restoration ecology, conservation biology
Fred D. Hinson, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; microbiology, bacterial cytotechnique, antigen-antibody reactions involving Salmonella species.
James Horton, Ph.D., University of North Carolina; plant anatomy
Roger H. Lumb, Ph.D., University of South Carolina; lipid biochemistry, dynamics of lipids in membranes
Henry R. Mainwaring, Ph.D., University College of Wales, Aberystwyth; mycology, cell biology, DNA content and cell division rates
Thomas H. "Tom" Martin, Ph.D., North Carolina State University at Raleigh, zoology, population and community ecology of aquatic organisms
Allen Moore, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin; aquatic ecology
Sabine J. Rundle, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; protein phosphorylation in plant growth and development
James W. Wallace, Jr., Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin; plant biochemistry, physiology, and distribution of secondary metabolites; medicinal plants of the southern Appalachians; biological photography
C. Paul Wright, Ph.D., University of Utah; lethal mutants and developmental genetics of Drosophila melanogaster
, Librarian and Liaison to Biology, and Chemistry and Physics
Misty Cope, Administrative Support Associate
Carly Miller, Temporary Administrative Support Associate