June 2020
Support Topics for MATH 130: Real number properties, solving equations, identifying variables including units, algebraic manipulation of expressions, graphs, systems of equations. Corequisite: MATH 130. One semester hour, two contact hours.
This course is offered in service of MATH 130 for students who need extra support learning the content of MATH 130. See Student Learning Objectives for MATH 130.
No text. Text for the parent course is Connally, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, et.al. Functions Modeling Change: A Preparation for Calculus, (Sixth Edition). John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2019.
A,B,C, U grade structure. Grading procedures and factors influencing course grade are left to the discretion of individual instructors, subject to general university policy.
Attendance policy is left to the discretion of individual instructors, subject to
general university policy.
For the following MATH 130 Chapters:
Suggested Support Topics: See Suggested Support Topics for MATH 100 Handout for details