Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Course Description
Groups, rings, and fields. Prerequisite: MATH 250. Three credit hours.
Student Learning Objectives
- Know all relevant definitions and correct statements of major theorems;
- Explain the defining structures of quotient groups and rings, rings of polynomials
and fields;
- Create examples or counter-examples and apply them appropriately to prove or disprove
statements about algebraic structures;
- Prove statements and solve problems about the structure, size, and nature of groups,
subgroups, factor groups, normal groups, rings, ideals, and field using definitions
and theorems learned in the course;
- Incorporate equivalence relations into group theoretic structures, particularly factor
groups; create factor groups using normal subgroups or the Isomorphism Theorems and
interpret elements of factor groups accurately; and
- Understand permutations and symmetries in a group theoretic context - particularly
the significance of Cayley's Theorem.
I.N. Herstein, Abstract Algebra, third edition, Wiley 1999.
Grading Procedure
Grading procedures and factors influencing course grade are left to the discretion
of individual instructors, subject to general university policy.
Attendance Policy
Attendance policy is left to the discretion of individual instructors, subject to
general university policy.
Course Outline
- Chapter 1 Things Familiar and Less Familiar
- Section 1.2 Set Theory
- Section 1.3 Mappings
- Section 1.5 The Integers
- Section 1.6 Mathematical Induction
- Section 2.1 Definitions and Examples of Groups
- Section 2.3 Subgroups
- Section 2.4 Lagrange's Theorem
- Section 2.5 Homomorphisms and Normal Subgroups
- Section 2.6 Factor Groups
- Section 2.7 The Homomorphism Theorems
- Section 2.8 Cauchy's Theorem
- Section 2.9 Direct Products
- Chapter 3 The Symmetric Group
- Section 3.1 Preliminaries
- Section 3.2 Cycle Decomposition
- Section 3.3 Odd and Even Permutations
- Section 4.1 Definitions and Examples
- Section 4.2 Some Simple Results
- Section 4.3 Ideals, Homomorphisms, and Quotient Rings
- Section 4.4 Maximal Ideals
- Section 4.5 Polynomial Rings
- Section 5.1 Examples of Fields
Additional topics selected at the instructor’s discretion.