Note: ĢƵis in the process of implementing edTPA. As we proceed and receive more feedback on our implementation, our commission regularly writes and revises policies to guide us. This page lists our current policies and is subject to change as needed.
The edTPA implementation at ĢƵis governed by the edTPA Commission, which was established by resolution of both the CEAP Leadership Council and the ĢƵProfessional Education Council. Policies are set by that commission (in accordance with the resolution that created the commission).
ĢƵhas been approved by SCALE to use edTPA at the Implementation Level. This means our candidates are able to submit their portfolios to Pearson for national scoring.
All candidates pursuing an initial license must submit an edTPA portfolio to Pearson for national scoring. If the portfolio does not pass and must be revised, it must be resubmitted to Pearson. Candidates may elect to resubmit only some individual tasks or the entire portfolio.
As long as funding is able to be identified within the college, the college will purchase scoring vouchers for all candidates for their first edTPA scoring submission.
If a candidate must revise and resubmit all or part of their portfolio to Pearson for any reason, they must bear the cost themselves.
Information on
The edTPA commission will set the submission deadline for each semester. This may include setting multiple deadlines for separate groups of programs. Individual programs may set a due date earlier than the one set by the commission.
Candidates who submit an edTPA portfolio after the deadline risk delaying graduation.
The for edTPA portfolios as set by the NC State Board of Education are:
The highly-qualified scores as set by the NC State Board of Education are:
To meet WCU’s edTPA requirement for program completion and graduation, candidates
must submit their portfolio to Pearson and:
Receive a passing score
If the first submission to Pearson does not receive a passing score, revise and resubmit
their edTPA portfolio to Pearson according to the recommendations of the seminar instructor
and/or academic supervisor. Revision and resubmission must occur prior to the conclusion
of the internship semester.
For the Internship Grading Rubrics, the following applies:
Our commission recommends that academic programs incorporate these items throughout their curriculum before Intern II:
New faculty in teacher preparation should participate in a general training provided by the edTPA commission about edTPA.
Programs should group score one edTPA portfolio, including new faculty, to keep the requirements fresh in their minds.
Programs should add information on edTPA submission, resubmission, and resubmission costs to Intern I and II syllabi.
See the Office of Field Experiences for our current policies for Internship.
A permission form is provided to candidates for gaining permissions from parents / guardians for their children to participate in teacher candidates' edTPA activities including video / audio taping as well as for using those materials in Local Evaluation Training. Once obtained, signed copies must be posted to the designated place in Watermark by candidates before final submission of one's portfolio. Teacher candidates also indicate their consent by selecting, "By submitting this, you are affirming that you have permission to record video of all students that appear in your video."