Section 1. The name of this body shall be the Professional Education Council at Western Carolina University.
Section 1. The Professional Education Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions. The Professional Education Council shall serve undergraduate and graduate professional education/licensure programs.
Section 2. The objectives and responsibilities of the Professional Education Council shall be to:
Section 1. Composition. The Council’s voting membership shall consist of onefull-time faculty member from each licensure area (e.g., elementary, middle grades, special education); the Deans or Associate Deans of the other colleges with professional education programs; one P-12 administrator; up to three P-12 teachers; two undergraduate students; and one graduate student. Ex-officio members shall consist of the Director of Field Experiences; the Director of Assessment for the College of Education and Allied Professions; the Director of Instructional Technology for the College of Education and Allied Professions; the Provost or designee; a representative of the Graduate School; and a representative of the Division of Educational Outreach. The Dean or the Associate Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions shall serve as Chairperson of the Council. The Licensure Specialist for the College of Education and Allied Professions shall serve as the Secretary for the Council. The membership of the Council shall be designed to bring a cross-section of views, ideas, knowledge and areas of expertise to facilitate the decision-making process. Members are encouraged to send a substitute from their unit if they are not able to attend.
Section 2. Selection. The Provost shall appoint the members of the Professional Education Council with the recommendation of the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions.
Section 3. Length of Term. Each member of the Professional Education Council shall serve a one-year term. Members may be appointed to successive terms. There is no limit to the number of successive terms that a member can serve. If any member of the Council resigns or is no longer able to serve, the Chairperson shall request the Provost, with the recommendation of the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions, to appoint a representative replacement to complete the term of the vacated position.
Section 1. Professional education is the responsibility of the university and is among the primary missions of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ. The College of Education and Allied Professions shall be the unit at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ with primary responsibility for professional education. In collaboration with the entire university, the College of Education and Allied Professions shall systematically develop and implement policies governing student admission and retention, staff development, and the design, implementation, evaluation and modification of all professional education programs at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ. The College, in consultation with other academic units and support services, shall be responsible for setting and achieving professional education goals, assigning responsibility for program decision making, identifying and utilizing resources, and facilitating continuous development and improvement of basic and advanced professional education programs. This shall be accomplished through a clearly defined administrative and policy-making structure. The policy of the College shall be to involve all pertinent professional education stakeholders within and without the university to include public and private P-12 schools in decisions about professional education at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ.
Section 2. The Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions shall be responsible for the general administration and coordination of all programs in the College. He/she shall be the official representative for professional education. He/she is charged by the Chancellor and Provost to plan, organize, direct and control the affairs of the College as its chief administrative officer. One of his/her major responsibilities shall be, in cooperation with other units of the university and P-12 public and private schools, to develop and maintain professional education programs of academic excellence.
Section 3. The College of Education and Allied Professions Leadership Council shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions. It shall consider all matters pertaining to professional education policy, changes in professional education programs, and new professional education programs after referral to the Professional Education Council.
Section 4. The Graduate Council shall be the body to which all graduate-level course/program changes/additions relating to professional education are referred by the Professional Education Council.
Section 5. Other bodies and channels involved in the professional education policy and program process are indicated in the current Faculty Handbook.
Section 1. The Professional Education Council shall meet on a regular basis, usually once per month, with a minimum of six meetings held during the academic year. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson of the Council or upon the written request of at least five members of the Council. The purpose of the meetings shall be stated when the special meetings are called. Except in cases of emergency, at least three days’ notice shall be given prior to meetings. For regular meetings, Council members shall be provided an agenda and relevant materials at least one week prior to the meetings. The presence of at least one-third of the Council voting members shall be necessary for a quorum for the purposes of conducting routine business. Items requiring a vote must be voted on by ½ of the Council members. Voting may occur by proxy, and proxy votes count towards ½ of the Council. Proxy votes are only valid if the PEC Secretary has been informed in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The absent member will include in the communication the name of the proxy who must be a voting Council member. All meetings shall be scheduled and announced in such a way that maximum attendance will be encouraged.
Section 2. PEC meetings shall be held so that the Council is regularly informed about professional education programs including, but not limited to: curriculum; program evaluation; field and clinical experiences; technology; policies and practices affecting professional education both internal and external; advisement; recruitment and retention; and, other matters pertinent to the Council. PEC meetings should encourage and permit the input of all members of the Council and allow members to place items on the agenda.
Section 1. All committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Professional Education Council as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Council. The chairperson of each committee shall be designated by the Chairperson of the Council at the time the committee is constituted. The Chairperson of the Council shall be an ex officio member of all committees. The chairperson of the committee will report the actions of the committee to the Chairperson of the Council who in turn will present a summary of the committee’s actions to the Council or request the chairperson of the committee to report its actions to the Council.
Section 2. The PEC is charged with approving all admissions to professional education programs. Applicants to professional education programs are approved through the various admissions processes when they meet criteria for admission. The Licensure Specialist will present all admissions to the PEC at least on an annual basis for information.
Section 3. The PEC Chairperson will approve curriculum proposals affecting professional education programs that pose no risk to internal and external policies and inform the Council at subsequent meetings. Curriculum proposals that involve new programs or involve changes that are deemed to be significant in nature or, in the opinion of the Chair, may engender debate will be brought to the Council for a vote of the Council.
Section 4. Appeals from students regarding actions of the Council will be presented to the PEC Chairperson. The PEC Chairperson will appoint an Appeals Committee to review any student appeals regarding admission to PES or continuing in PES and make recommendations in the form of motions to PEC. The Appeals Committee will include at least one representative from each of the following groups: university professional education faculty, university administrator (includes department head), P-12 professional, student (undergraduate or graduate to match the status of the appealing student). Representation on the Appeals Committee will include those on the PEC and those not on the PEC. The Appeals Committee chair will be appointed by the PEC Chairperson.
Section 1. The rules contained in the current edition of , shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Council may adopt.
Section 1. These Bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Council by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to each Council member at least two weeks in advance of the meeting or at the previous regular meeting.
Revised October 29, 2012