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PEC Policies

According to the current Bylaws of the Professional Education Council (PEC), one of the responsibilities of the Council is to act upon applications for admission to undergraduate, graduate, and individualized professional education programs . Furthermore, the PEC and the College of the Education and Allied Professions has adopted a Conceptual Framework that clearly identifies values or dispositions expected of professional education candidates. In addition, the Undergraduate Catalog and the Teacher Education Handbook specifically state that candidates are expected to adhere to professional ethics and codes of conduct.

As information is communicated to members of the Professional Education Council concerning current and prospective professional education candidates, the PEC adheres to the following policy and guidelines.

  • The PEC will endeavor to act in the best interests of the university, the professional education program, the P-12 schools, and the individual candidate.
  • The PEC will uphold its ideals, including the Conceptual Framework, professional ethics, and codes of conduct for professional educators.

The PEC will handle all personal information in compliance with existing laws, including FERPA, rules, regulations, policies and guidelines applicable to the University.


  1. When information is alleged about a candidate or prospective candidate that may be inconsistent with the best interests of the profession or the ideals of the PEC to the members of the PEC about a candidate or prospective candidate, members are obligated to share that information with the Director of Teacher Education.
  2. The Director of Teacher Education, who chairs the PEC, will use discretion to determine whether the information should be shared with one or more members of the PEC. The Director of Teacher Education will consider the following factors when making the decision to share with one or more members of the PEC.
    • Whether the allegation, if confirmed, appears to be a criminal offense, civil or administrative offense, or ethical offense.
    • Status of verification of offense such as conviction, action by other authority (Office of Student Conduct, etc.), written statement of witness, confession by candidate
    • Relative severity, recency, and number of offense(s)
    • Candidate’s demonstration of remorse
    • Candidate’s corrective actions
    • Patterns of conduct
    • Escalation of offensive conduct
  3. The Director of Teacher Education may contact faculty, university counsel, campus police, and others to collect information that will help in making decisions.
  4. If the Director of Teacher Education determines that the alleged offense can not be verified through reasonable means or that the offense, whether it occurred or not, does not seriously conflict with the best interests of the profession or the ideals of the PEC, no action is required.
  5. If the Director of Teacher Education determines that the alleged offense seriously conflicts with the best interests of the profession or the ideals of the PEC and there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the candidate may be tied to the alleged offense, the Director of Teacher Education should present the information to an ad hoc committee of the PEC for a recommendation to the PEC. Determination of “sufficient evidence” can involve the following factors.
    1. conviction by court,
    2. action by other authority ( Office of Student Conduct, etc.),
    3. written statement of witness,
    4. confession by candidate,
    5. other.
  6. The ad hoc committee will meet to discuss alleged offenses brought by the Director of Teacher Education, investigate, deliberate, and make a recommendation to the PEC regarding admission or continuation of the candidate.
  7. The PEC will consider recommendations as seconded motions, deliberate, and vote on the recommendations.
  8. The Director of Teacher Education will notify the candidate of PEC actions and communicate the right to appeal the action.
  9. Candidates can appeal actions of the PEC in writing to the Director of Teacher Education who will forward written appeals to an appeals committee as stated in the PEC Bylaws.

Section 4. Appeals from students regarding actions of the Council will be presented to the PEC Chairperson. The PEC Chairperson will appoint an Appeals Committee to review any student appeals regarding admission to PES or continuing in PES and make recommendations in the form of motions to PEC. The Appeals Committee will include at least one representative from each of the following groups: university professional education faculty, university administrator (includes department head), P-12 professional, student (undergraduate or graduate to match the status of the appealing student). Representation on the Appeals Committee will include those on the PEC and those not on the PEC. The Appeals Committee chair will be appointed by the PEC Chairperson.

Approved: Professional Education Council 12.2.08; College of Education and Allied Professions Leadership Council 12.8.08