ĢƵ - The HR Consulting Initiative - is pleased to collaborate with the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits to offer nonprofit Members of the Center pro bono expertise on a variety of human resources topics and issues.
The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits's mission is to educate, connect, and advocate for North Carolina nonprofits. It has 1,480 nonprofit members.
Since 2011, through their coursework, over 1,100 Master in HR students have served as HR consultants for nonprofits, small businesses, and government agencies across the country and abroad. Thus far, they have helped 384 organizations and completed 569 HR consulting projects in 22 U.S. states and abroad (Sierra Leone, Africa, Haiti and Equator) at no cost and entirely online.
Our HR Consulting model allows projects to be completed remotely in 10 weeks or less. The organizations helped range in size and industry (from 2 to over 1,000 employees and from animal shelters, arts programs, youth organizations, to healthcare facilities). The HR services provided have included employee policy manuals, Executive Director emergency plans, organizational climate surveys, salary studies, and much more.
For more information on how we can help a nonprofit or small business strengthen its HR foundation, contact Dr. Marie-Line Germain at mgermain@wcu.edu.
See the HR Consulting Inititaive information
Company's Mission: Children's Flight of Hope provides air transportation for children to access specialized
medical care.
Children's Flight of Hope gives families access to the specialized medical care their
child needs. Without CFOH, many children would not get the treatments that can save,
prolong or improve their quality of life, simply because of distance and the cost
of travel. We believe that every child deserves the chance to be healthy.
HR Consulting service provided: Creation of an Employee HR Policies and Procedures Manual
How We Helped:
A comprehensive compensation analysis
Jeff Pope, President and CEO of Blue Ridge Public Radio/NPR, was delighted with the work performed.
"At a time when local journalism matters more than ever, Blue Ridge Public Radio’s strategy is to invest in its ability to retain and attract the best talent possible. And that means investing in systems that drive equity and transparency first, so we can advance a more inclusive and diverse workforce that creates an environment of belonging. Working with Western North Carolina’s HR Consulting Initiative was a game changer for us. They researched our organization and developed a suite of tools including-- Total Rewards Philosophy, Methodology and Market Evaluation, Market Based Pay Ranges, Incumbent Rates vs. Proposed Ranges and Pay-for-Performance Management Tool—that together allow us to elevate our employee experience. The professionalism and support we received was on excellent.”
Company Mission: Celebrating Animals, Confronting Cruelty. Provide direct care to more than 100,000 animals each year through our sanctuaries, veterinary programs and emergency shelters and rescues.
How We Helped: Asheville Humane Society is one of the many consulting projects MSHR students have worked on for class assignments. Led by some of the executive staff, Dr. Germain and her graduate students took an extensive tour of the facility.
Explore our current and previous client list as well as press releases.
For more information on how we can help your nonprofit or small business strengthen its Human Resources foundation, contact Dr. Germain at mgermain@wcu.edu.
Alexander Graham Bell Association for Deaf and Hard of Hearing,
Washington DC
Alexander Youth Network, Charlotte, NC
Albemarle Commission Council of Governments, Hertford, NC
Apex Precision Audio, LLC, Chula Vista, CA
Arts for Life, Asheville, NC
Asheville Brewers Alliance, Asheville, NC
Asheville Buncombe Community Relations Council, Asheville, NC
Asheville City Schools Foundation, Asheville, NC
Asheville Humane Society, Asheville, NC
Autism Tennessee, Nashville, TN
Big Brothers Big Sisters, High Point, NC
Biggert's Hearing Instruments, Hendersonville, NC
Bike & Build, Philadelphia, PA
Black Mountain Home, Black Mountain, NC
Boys and Girls Club, Raleigh, NC
Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, Asheville, NC
Buncombe County Council on Aging, Asheville, NC
Cape Fear Regional Theater, Fayetteville, NC
CARIE, Philadelphia, PA
Carolina Day School, Asheville, NC
CARY Area EMS, Cary, NC
Casting for Hope, Morganton, NC
Chamber of Commerce, Archdale, NC
CHANCO on the James, Spring Grove, VA
Children's Flight of Hope, Morrisville, NC
Children's Home Society of North Carolina, NC
City of Brevard, Brevard, NC
City of Lights Bookstore, Sylva, NC
City of Morganton, Morganton, NC
City of Waynesville, NC
CleanWorks, Asheville, NC
Columbus Christian Academy, Whiteville, NC
Communities in Schools of Durham, NC
Community Hands, Inc., Knoxville, TN
Community Table, Asheville, NC
Council on Aging of Buncombe County, Asheville, NC
Converting Hearts Ministries, Wake Forest, NC
CRS Cooling and Air, Savannah, GA
Dorcas Ministries, Cary, NC
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians,
Eastern Pines Church of Christ, Greenville, NC
Farm to Home Milk, Asheville, NC
Fayetteville State University, NC
Flight Group Corporation RDU, Morrisville, NC
Fresh Easy Affordable Sustainable Tasty (FEAST), Asheville, NC
Gaston Family Health Services, Inc., Gastonia, NC
Girl on the Run, Asheville, NC
Girls on the Run of the Triangle, Durham, NC
Girl Scouts, Asheville, NC
Glow Academy, Wilmington, NC
Graham County, Robbinsville, NC
Green Opportunities, Asheville, NC
Habitat for Humanity, Asheville, NC
Habitat for Humanity, Brevard, NC
Habitat for Humanity, Gwinnett, GA
Habitat for Humanity, Jackson County and Macon County, NC
Habitat for Humanity, Wake County, NC
Haven House Services, Raleigh, NC
Homeward Bound, Asheville, NC
Hospice and Palliative Care Center, Winston-Salem, NC
I-AM-Recycling, Inc., Raleigh, NC
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, Raleigh, NC
Isothermal Planning and Development Commission, Rutherfordton, NC
Jackson County, NC
Jackson County Psychological Services, Sylva, NC
Jewish Community Center, Asheville, NC
Jordan Baker Foundation (Grief Anonymous), Cornelius, NC
Justin Massage Inc., Asheville, NC
Kids and Cars, Olath, KS
Lake Junaluska Retreat Center, NC
L'Ecole de Choix, Chicago, IL
Liberty Corner Enterprises, Asheville NC
Life Challenge WNC, NC
Literacy Council of Buncombe County, Asheville, NC
LiveTech, LLC, Raleigh, NC
Loaves and Fishes, Charlotte, NC
Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC
MANNA FoodBank, Asheville, NC
Merci Clinic, New Bern, NC
Mercy Urgent Care, Asheville, NC
Meridian Behavioral Health Services, Asheville, NC
Miracle Feet, Chapel Hill, NC
Mohawk Industries, NC
Mojoe Coffee House, Lexington, NC
Mountain Child Advocacy Center, Asheville, NC
MS Lean, LLC, Asheville, NC
Musical Empowerment, Carrboro, NC
My Freedom Care, Knoxville, TN
Neighborhealth Center, Raleigh, NC
Neuromuscular Disease Support Organization, Havelock, NC
North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Durham, NC
North Carolina Museum of Art Foundation, Cary, NC
Not Forgotten, Apex, NC
Partners Aligned Toward Health (PATH), Asheville, NC
Paws4ever, Mebane, NC
Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge, Greenville, NC
Power Cross Ministries, Statesville NC
Raleigh Rescue Mission, NC
Ralph Scott Life Services, Burlington, NC
Rowan Helping Ministries, Salisbury, NC
Rutherford County Humane Society, NC
Safe Harbor, Greenville, SC
Second Harvest Foodbank of Northwest (Feeding America), Winston Salem, NC
Self-Help Credit Union, Durham, NC
StepUp Durham, NC
Strowd Roses Foundation, Chapel Hill, NC
Surry Community College, Dobson, NC
TapSnap, Greenville, SC
The Alliance for AIDS Services - Carolina, Asheville, NC
The Arch of Southside, Danville, VA
The Arden Theater, Philadelphia, PA
The Ark Childcare and Learning Center, Clinton, NC
The Art Sphere, Philadelphia, PA
The Charles House Association, Carrboro, NC
The Dogwood Alliance, Asheville, NC
The Jimmy V Foundation, Cary, NC
The Scrap Exchange, Durham, NC
The UNforgotten Fund, Ellicott, MD (and in Sierra Leone, Africa)
The University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Town of Canton, NC
Triangle Radio Reading Service, Raleigh, NC
Twilight Theater Company, Portland, OR
United Memorial Medical Center, Batavia, NY
United Service Organizations New England, Boston, MA
Uplifting Deals, LLC, Asheville, NC
Vecinos Farmworkers Health Program, Cullowhee, NC
Wake Technical Community College, Raleigh, NC
Western North Carolina AIDS Project (WNCAP), Asheville, NC
YMCA, Asheville, NC
YMCA, Greensboro, NC
YMCA, High Point, NC