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Computer Requirements

Technology of Instructional Engineering Systems ("TIES")




The Technology of Instructional Engineering Systems (TIES) office is the internal technical support unit within the College of Engineering & Technology. This office works in collaboration with Central IT. The primary focus of the "TIES" Office is to support the software and computer technology utilized withn the college. CET Students and faculty may visit the TIES office during office hours to specialized technology support. Refer to the list below for details of support available in the TIES office.


CET Student Support

We reccomend the following system configuration:

  • Windows 10 or 11 Operating System
  • At least 32GB Ram
  • At least a 15" screen
  • An advanced graphic card to handle 3D graphics processing (Nvidia or AMD)
  • Recommended Computer: Dell Precision or Inspiron Series
    Note: Dell Hardware warranty can be serviced on campus!

Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵhas a discounted Dell store that can be accessed at the Department of IT's Purchasing Page

Some of the software that CET utilizes can be downloaded and installed free on personal computers. This software can be accessed within the CET Canvas course. Current students can access the course by logging into 

Most of our engineering applications are available via our VMWare Virtual environment. Just visit  and download the client. After downloading the client, login and click on "CET Specialized".  

CET Faculty Support

Some computer support is handled through central IT, while other support is handled in-house within the TIES office:


Issue Contact
Canvas Central IT
Engineering Software Install or Problems TIES Office
Microsoft Office Central IT
Paw Print Central IT
Poster Printing TIES Office
Virtual (CET System) TIES Office
Virtual( Dedicated VM) Central IT
Wireless Central IT

The most current list of engineering software we have available can be obtained by logging in to the SharePoint Website (Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵlogin required)

To find a listing of available hardware in our labs, please visit our  (Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵlogin required)

Some of the classrooms in Belk and CAT are owned by Central IT, while the College maintains a specific listing of rooms. If you have an issue or concern with a "General Ed" room, please contact the SoET/CM administrative support or Central IT for assistance. If you have an issue or concern in a "CET" room, please contact the TIES office for assistance.

Room Room Owner
Belk 104 CET
Belk 171 CET
Belk 183 General Ed
Belk 253 General Ed
Belk 263 CET
Belk 266a CET
Belk 271 CET
Belk 304 General Ed
Belk 305 General Ed
Belk 308 General Ed
Belk 323 General Ed
Belk 324 CET
Belk 355 CET
Belk 365 General Ed
Belk 366 CET
Belk 370 CET
Belk 404 General Ed
Belk 406 General Ed
Belk 408 General Ed
Belk 409 General Ed
CAT 210 General Ed

Any University owned equipment MUST be properly logged prior to its removal from campus. All primary-assigned laptops must have a removal form filled out prior to taking the laptop off campus. Please follow  to remove an assigned laptop from campus.