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Support for Entreprenuers

The Rapid Center is an incredible resource not only to established companies but also to inventors and entrepreneurs who need assistance moving from concept to production. We have worked with individuals and small businesses to turn designs into tangible products and to outline effective plans for mass production. We often use commercial-grade 3D printing equipment when working with entrepreneurs. The Rapid Center's capabilities in both metal and plastic 3D imaging and printing helps us shorten the typical prototyping timeline and move products to production sooner, allowing entrepreneurs to get their business off the ground.

In addition, The Rapid Center frequently parters with WCU's Corporation for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI), housed in Western Carolina's College of Business, to provide comprehensive assistance to start-ups. Working with both students and faculty, the CEI provides business and marketing planning, application design, and support identifying and securing capital. Our comprehensive support of entrepreneurs aligns with the university's mission to bolster regional economic development.