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Friends of the Arts Member Trips

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Hello FOA Memebers!
In August 2023, we visited the 101st Santa Fe Indian Market hosted by the . It was an incredible opportunity to see the work of 1,000+ artists from over 200 tribes.  This market is the largest and most prestigious Native arts show in the world. We had the opportunity to meet with many artists featured in the Museum's exhibition Spark of the Eagle Dancer: The Collecting Legacy of Lambert Wilson. The location of Hotel Chimayó couldn’t have been any better. Situated in the heart of the city, one could step across the street right into Santa Fe Plaza, where the Indian Market was happening. In addition to the Indian Market, there are so many other art museums within walking distance from the hotel, including the , the , and  to name a few. With so much visual art to experience set across the Southwest’s striking landscape, this trip was definitely a feast for the eyes.

Written by Denise Drury Homewood
Executive Director of the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center

Three photos left to right. First photo is of a bed with white linens and a red quilt, pillows and art above the bed look to have an Aztec influence. Second photo, three women at a market. Two are indigenous women holding feather fans. Third Image, person holding a hand crafted woven piece of art. Person is wearing a white dress with a blue necklace.