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Music Education, B.M./B.S.Ed.

Music Education


The Music Education program provides students with the thorough training necessary to be a successful music educator in the public schools of North Carolina and the region. Successful completion of the B.M./B.S.Ed. degree leads to a recommendation for the State of North Carolina Professional Educator’s License Music K-12. The program includes six semesters of lessons, courses in teaching the various musical instruments and voice, music education methods and materials, and a semester of student teaching. The School offers two concentrations within this degree program:

  • The Instrumental Music concentration prepares students to teach beginning band, concert band, and marching band in middle school and high school.
  • The Choral/General Music concentration prepares students for a career in teaching general music at the elementary school level or choral music at the middle- or high-school level.

NOTE: Candidates for the Bachelor of Music with a concentration in music education (B.M.) also receive the Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) degree.

Our graduates enjoy an excellent rate of placement into teaching positions. The B.M./B.S.Ed. program is jointly administered with the College of Education and Allied Professions

The B.M./B.S.Ed. in Music Education requires 128 total hours.

To major in music, students must pass an audition in the principal performance area and take a music aptitude examination. Based on the audition and examination, MUS 105, 108, 118 may be required. These courses do not count toward degree requirements. If a student fails MUS 108 or MUS 118 twice, the student shall be ineligible to continue in a music program.

All music majors must pass a public recital in the last semester of principal applied lessons before a degree will be granted. Courses used to meet the large ensemble requirement must reflect the applied study area; only one will count per semester. For students in the BM program, marching band is required only in the Instrumental Music Education Concentration.

Students receiving the B.M. degree in Music with a concentration in Choral/General or Instrumental Music Education will also receive the B.S.Ed. degree in Music Education from the College of Education and Allied Professions. Both the Choral/General and the Instrumental concentrations require completion of the Professional Education Sequence. During the sophomore year, Music Education students must apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program and are subject to all of the teacher education requirements.