Published since 1988, the Faculty Forum comes out on the 3rd Monday of each month. It is comprised of an opinion piece by a member of the faculty, staff or administration on an issue relevant to faculty at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ. Responses to the pieces are published in the following issue.
Contact Chris Cooper to discuss your ideas for a submission, to send a response or for more information about the Faculty Forum.
Volume 28, Number 1 - August 2015
Volume 28, Number 2 - September 2015
Volume 28, Number 3 - October 2015
Volume 28, Number 4 - November 2015
Volume 28, Number 5 - February 2016
Volume 27, Number 1 - August 2014
Volume 27, Number 2 - September 2014
Volume 27, Number 3 - October 2014
Volume 27, Number 4 - November 2014
Volume 27, Number 5 - January 2015
Volume 27, Number 6 - February 2015
Volume 26, Number 1 - September 2013
Volume 26, Number 2 - October 2013
Volume 26, Number 3 - November 2013
Volume 26, Number 4 - March 2014
Volume 25, Number 1 - October 2012
Volume 25, Number 2 - November 2012
Volume 25, Number 3 - December 2012
Volume 25, Number 4 - January 2013
Volume 25, Number 5 - March 2013
No. 12
" " May 2012
No. 11
" " April SEd, 2012
No. 10
" " April 2012
No. 9
" " March 2012
No. 8
" " February SEd, 2012
No. 7
" " February 2012
No. 6
" " January SEd, 2012
No. 5
" " January 2012
No. 4
" " December 2011
No. 3
" " November 2011
No. 2
" " October 2011
No. 1
" " September 2011
" Conducting a Salary Equity Analysis OR Am I being paid equitably compared to others in my workplace? " May 2011
No. 8
"Earth Day Reflections at Western" April 2011
No. 7
"General Education at WCU: Evolutionary or Revolutionary Change?" March 2011
No. 6
"Climb Higher! See Beyond our Borders" February 2011
No. 5
"2011: A Year of Tremendous Change and Opportunity" January 2011
No. 4
"Progress of an Idea: Looking Forward - Looking Back" December 2010
No. 3
"Bias on Campus: Fighting the Problem, Embracing a Solution" November 2010
No. 2
"Seeking Peaceful Co-Existence? Campus Mediation Can Help!" October 2010
No. 1
"Community Service – An Alternate Interpretation" September 2010
No. 8
"36 Hours in Greater Cullowhee... Living Close to Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ& Loving It" May 2010
No. 7
"From Miami to Cullowhee: A Frosty Leap of Reason" April 2010
No. 6
"Service Learning in the Academic Setting: Benefits vs. Challenges" March 2010
No. 5
"The Future of Cullowhee: Staff and Faculty Voice Their Opinions" February 2010
No. 4
"Soaring High or Parachuting Out" December 2009
No. 3
"Born Digital: Creating Reference Materials for Future Scholars" November 2009
No. 2
"A Much-Needed Sea Change" October 2009
No. 1
"Planning for Changes to the Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵLearning Management System (WebCat)" September 2009
No. 8
"Make Room for Baby: The Rising Teen Pregnancy Rate and It's Challenge to WCU" May 2009
No. 7
"Foreign Languages, Academic Curricula, and the Changing World" April 2009
No. 6
"Contingent Faculty - Paupers of the Times" March 2009
No. 5
"Graduate Assistants: A Manifesto" February 2009
No. 4
"Do More to Escape Stress - And Kill Your TV While You're At It" December 2008
No. 3
"Digital Schmigital: Mobile Schmobile!" November 2008
No. 2
"The Death of the Lecture Revisited" October 2008
No. 1
"Let's Grow Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵWhile Supporting the Region" September 2008
No. 8
"Terry, Thank You for the Conversation" May, 2008 (No Responses)
No. 7
What Should We Tell the New Faculty Members April 2008 (Responses)
No. 6
International Faculty at Western - An Untapped Resource March 2008 (No Responses)
No. 5
Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵon iTunes U February 2008 (No Responses)
No. 4
NSSE: What Is It and Why Should We Care? December 2007 (No Responses)
No. 3
Due Process Before Discharge November 2007 (No Responses)
No. 2
Rating My Professor: Online Student Course Evaluations October 2007 ( Responses)
No. 1
Let's Be Serious About QEP September 2007 (Responses)
No. 8
What You Can Do on "Movie Day" May 2007 ( No Responses)
No. 7
Teaching in Classrooms: It May be New, but Show Me That It Works! April 2007 (No Responses)
No. 6
Systemic Challenges Require Systemic Solutions (or, "Fore!") March 2007 (No Responses)
No. 5
Service: If We Don't Do It, Who Will? February 2007 ( No Responses)
No. 4
Simply Put: A QEP FAQ December 2006 (No Responses)
No. 3
Do You Know About Net Op in the EC's? November 2006 (Responses)
No. 2
The Vital Role of Faculty in Student Recruitment October 2006 (Responses)
No. 1
Creating Connections: Applied Learning in a Public Setting September 2006 (Responses)
No. 8
Should Applied Research Count Toward Tenure and Promotion May 2006 (No Responses)
No. 7
The Liberal Studies Program: What FACULTY Have to Do With It April 2006 (Responses)
No. 6
Henderson Redux March 2006 (Responses)
No. 5
What Tiger Woods Taught Me About the Transition to Online Teaching February 2006 (Responses)
No. 4
Status, Scholarship, and Freedom at State Comprehensive Universities December 2005 ( Responses)
No. 3
Incorporating the Teaching of Writing into Science Classes November 2005 (Responses)
No. 2
Student Reading Skill October 2005 (Responses)
No. 1
Beyond Motivation: Engagement, Mindfulness, and Learning September 2005 (Responses)
No. 8
Are We Ready to Commit to Civic Engagement? May 2005 (No Responses)
No. 7
Evolution, Dodge Ball, Retention, and Kumbaya April 2005 (Responses)
No. 6
Can We (Should We) Be "Politically Correct"? March 2005 (Responses)
No. 5
Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵLiberal Studies and Advising: Fixing the Flawed System February 2005 (Responses)
No. 4
Our Advising System Does Not Work December 2004 (Responses)
No. 3
On Being A Department Head, or, Have You Lost Your Mind? November 2004 (Responses)
No. 2
Administration and Faculty: the Seamless Learning Environment October 2004 (Responses)
No. 1
Our Mission Statement is Boring September 2004 ( Responses)
Freshmen and the Faculty Who Teach Them Need More Support - No Responses
May 2004
What Role Will You Play in the Selection of the New Provost? - Responses
April 2004
Open Access To Scholarly Publications - Responses
March 2004
What Role Should Students Play in Evaluating Their Teachers? - Responses
February 2004
On Cherokee Land - Responses
December 2003
A Short History of Technology - Responses
November 2003
Reaching Audiences Near and Far - Responses
October 2003
What's It Like To Be New At Western? - No Responses
September 2003
Service Learning: What's In It For Me? - No Responses
May 2003
A Call for a Forum on the Faculty Forum - Responses
April 2003
Everyone Can Help Teach Writing - No Responses
March 2003
Your Classroom as a TV or Radio Station Studio - Responses
February 2003
Lessons Learned, Part I - Responses
December 2002
The Appalachian Theme is Just Right for Western - Responses
November 2002
A New Renaissance of Teaching and Learning - Responses
October 2002
Catamount Syndrome - Responses
September 2002
No. 8
"Faculty Raises for 2001-02" May 2002
No. 7
"Retention, Recruiting, and Faculty Salaries" April 2002
No. 6
"Some Thoughts Regarding Retention" March 2002
No. 5
"Should Our Graduates Be Able to Read?" February 2002
No. 4
"The University as a Learning Park--a "Playground" of Ideas" December 2001
No. 3
"Let's Get Engaged" November 2001
No. 2
"Help Students "Search Smart" on the Internet" October 2001
No. 1
"On Speaking and Silence" September 2001
No. 8
"Students As Clients" May 2001
No. 7
"Student Learning is a Faculty Problem" April 2001
No. 6
"Learning Communities: Chaos or Cooperation?" March 2001
No. 5
"An Alternative to Program Deletion" February 2001
No. 4
"Learning Communities: Are They Worth the Investment?" December 2000
No. 3
"The Faculty's Role: To Govern or Advise?" November 2000
No. 2
"Cullowhee: A Place Apart From the Madding Crowd?" October 2000
No. 1
"The Faculty's Role in Student Retention" September 2000
No. 8
"Program Review and The Book of Job" May 2000
No. 7
"Teaching Count$ Reconsidered" April 2000
No. 6
"Effective Teaching or Convincing Performance?" March 2000
No. 5
"At Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ, Teaching Count$" February 2000
No. 4
"Taking Up the Liberal Studies Challenge" December 1999
No. 3
"A Plea for New Attitudes about General Education" November 1999
No. 2
"In Defense Of Elitism" October 1999
No. 1
"Raising the Bar Revisited: Some Inconvenient Questions* about Unintended Consequences" September 1999
No. 8
"Our TPR System--Comments Toward a Meaningful Dialogue" May 1999
No. 7
"The TPR Process: Fight Together or Hang Separately" April 1999
No. 6
"Dr. NoNet and Dr. YesNet On the Internet" March 1999
No. 5
"Salaries" February 1999
No. 4
"A Ropes Course for WCU" December 1998
No. 3
"Student Affairs, Academi Affairs, and You" November 1998
No. 2
"Expeditionary Learning" October 1998
No. 1
"Who is Valued in Our Teaching/Learning Community?" September 1998
No. 8
"The Faculty Forum, Ten Years After " May 1998
No. 7
"Could Newsgroups Help?" April 1998
No. 6
"A Defense of English" March 1998
No. 5
"Building a Sense of Community at WCU" February 1998
No. 4
"Playing WCU's Ace Card: Stronger Ties To The Region?" December 1997
No. 3
"The Plight of Part-Time Instructors: Two Similar Experiences" November 1997
No. 2
"Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵand Teaching for the Twenty-first Century" October 1997
No. 1
"A Culture of Silence" September 1997
No. 8
"Writing, Thinking, Teaching, Learning, Flying" May 1997
No. 7
"Reexamining "in loco parentis": Being Mindful of Entering Freshmen" April 1997
No. 6
"Forget Massey: Think About The Future and Roy" March 1997
No. 5
"Lecturing Revisited" February 1997
No. 4
"What Does "Raising the Bar" Mean When We Talk About Computers in the Classroom?" December 1996
No. 3
"Teaching Awards: A Modest Proposal" November 1996
No. 2
"Lecturing As Learning" October 1996
No. 1
"Faculty Governance Now or Never?" September 1996
No. 8
"Recapturing the Essence of the M.A. Degree" May 1996
No. 7
"Meaningful Change Begins With Your" April 1996
No. 6
"Classroom Research and Its Role in Raising Academic Standards" March 1996
No. 5
"Plus/Minus Grading" February 1996
No. 4.
"Am I Prepared For the Real World? A Student's View" December 1995
No. 3
"Measuring Student Learning By Measuring Behavioral Changes" November 1995
No. 2
"The "Great Conversation": Direct and Indirect Communication" October 1995
No. 1
"Let's Break the Communication Bottleneck: Go Right to the Top" September 1995
No. 8
"Avoiding Sexist Language: How Important Is It?" May 1995
No. 7
"Helping Students Become Intelligent Novices" April 1995
No. 6
"To Teach Our Students to Read Better, Let's Start By Eliminating the Book Rental System" March 1995
No. 5
"The Web: The Revolution Is Here; Let's Join Today" February 1995
No. 4
"The Teacher as a Transforming Leader" December 1994
No. 3
"Let's Talk First and Foremost about Good Leaning" November 1994
No. 2
"Can We Make a Computer Community?" October 1994
No. 1
"Teaching Ethics: What's Our Responsibility?" September 1994
No. 8
"Scholarship in Teaching" May 1994
No. 7
"Cooperative Learning: An Alternative to Song and Dance" April, 1994
No. 6
"MTV" March, 1994
"What is ICUT and How Can I Be Involved?" February, 1994
No. 4
"Are We Throwing Away Too Much Talent? And If So, Why?" December, 1993
No. 3
"What Constitutes Effective Teaching?" November, 1993
No. 2
"Could You Be Next?" October, 1993
No. 1
"Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way" September, 1993
No. 8
"The True Heros" May, 1993
No. 7
"Are We Moving From Shapes to Shadows?" April, 1993
No. 6
"Illusion Is Not Deep Culture" March, 1993
No. 5
"WCU: Size and Vitality in a Unique Combination" February, 1993
No. 4
"On Change and Deep Culture at WCU" December, 1992
No. 3
"Living Up To Our Educational Commitments: What Makes Western Unique" November, 1992
"What Does--Or Could--Make Western Unique?" October, 1992
No. 1
"What Does--or Could--Make Western Unique?" Sepember, 1992
No. 8
"Another Opinion Concerning Academic Standards" May, 1992
No. 7
"Standards, Grades, Past Experiences, and Expectations" April, 1992
No. 6
"Remus Singularis in Aqua" March, 1992
No. 5
"Does Gender Make a Difference In the Classroom?" February, 1992
No. 4
"Another Look at Academic Standards" December, 1991
No. 3
"The Case For Internationalizing Our Curriculum" November, 1991
No. 2
"Quit Insulting Our Intelligence" October, 1991
No. 1
"Academic Standards at WCU" September, 1991
No. 8
"Libraries Have Changed More in the Lat Ten Years Than They Have in Their History Up
To This Point " May, 1991
No. 7
"Toward a Kinder, Gentler Campus?" April, 1991
No. 6
"Is Intellectual Challenge the Norm at WCU?" March, 1991
No. 5
"Teaching is Dead Last, or Worse: A Faculty Viewpoint" February, 1991
No. 4
"Teaching Has Always Been #1: A Dean's Viewpoint" December, 1990
No. 3
"What Does a University Club Have To Do With Excellence?" November, 1990
No. 2
"Are We Teaching More Than We Intend?" October, 1990
No. 1
"Overcoming Librar Illieracy: A Joint Responsibility" September, 1990
No. 14
"Research and Teaching" April, 1990
No. 12
"The Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness" March, 1990
No. 10
"Encouraging Student Risk-Taking By Balancing Challenge and Support" February, 1990
No. 8
"Thinking Critically About Bloom's Taxonomy" December, 1989
No. 6.
"To Essay or Not to Essay" November, 1989
No. 4
"The Elusive Search for Teachable Aspects of Thinking" October, 1989
No. 2
"Designing an Effective System of Evaluation" September 1989
No. 1
"Adding Your Voice and Multiply the Results" August, 1989
No. 13
"What Have We Done? Dialogue Builds A Community of Scholarship" May, 1989
No. 11
"Lighting the Way to Real Learning: A Student's View of Good Teaching" April, 1989
No. 9
"Good Researchers Are Good Teachers: A Myth" March, 1989
No. 7
"Who Taeches Academic Rsponsibility" February, 1989
No. 5
"Textbooks, Teachers, "Tails," and Tyrnny" December 1988
No. 3
"The Tyranny of the Textbook" November, 1988
No. 1
"A Call for Opinions!" October, 1988