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Grants and Support

Undergraduate research, civic engagement, and service learning, internships, fieldwork, mentoring and advising, presentations at professional meetings, participation and leadership in social and professional organizations, international travel and study, and culminating capstone experiences are central elements of department plans to enhance the learning experience of our students.

These funds are allocated to support Intentional Learning implementation, support faculty, student, and staff activity directly related to intentional, integrative, engaged teaching/learning and cannot be used for other purposes. Please see below for opportunities to enhance the teaching/learning environment for our students/faculty.

For a complete list of available internal grants and support visit Sponsored Research

These grants provide support to a faculty or staff member for academic and co-curricular activities connected to the implementation of the Intentional Learning goals (effective communication; practice civic engagement; solve complex problems; clarify and act on purpose and values; and synthesis). Applications are accepted throughout the academic year.

In a few instances, faculty or staff may request funds to support student travel for reasons other than presenting at a professional conference. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

These grants are designated to support student travel to conferences for general attendance as well as conference presentations. Funds will support undergraduate students whose work explicitly connects with Intentional Learning Plan learning outcomes.