The Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness (OIPE) plays an integral role in university space planning. The Assistant Vice Chancellor for OIPE chairs the Space Management Committee. OIPE provides data support for space planning, is responsible for maintaining and publishing an inventory of all university space, and reporting space utilization data to the UNC System Office. Space Planning is guided by University Policy # 65.
The 25Live Pro Series is used for event scheduling, academic course scheduling, space inventory and analysis, and some calendering purposes. Access to 25Live Pro is for the employees of ĢƵ and some limited use by the presidents of Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs). Administration of the 25Live Pro system is managed by three groups depending on the function or need. Please see the panel below to learn more about the Administration of the 25Live system.
Any external groups, or non-Western affiliated use of space, needs to be coordinated through the Division of Studnet Affairs through the Office of Event Services. Please visit this comprehensive website for information for non-Western affiliated groups wishing to reserve space on campus. ĢƵPolicy #110 governs the use of space for both internal and external groups desiring to use campus spaces.
25Live Pro Schedulers work to maintain and update the schedule of all spaces in the 25Live Pro system. If you need assistance in scheduling spaces, please find the appropriate contact below.
Judy Grant (, Office of the Registrar
This position works to maintain the schedule for all classrooms in all of the academic buildings on campus.
Tim Lewis (, Department of Campus Activities
This position works to maintain the schedule for non-classroom spaces such as rooms in the University Center, the Blue Ridge Conference room, and many more.
Our 25Live Administrators maintain and assist with the upkeep of 25Live and the space data pertained with in the system. If you need assistance with the operation or technical issues, lease find the appropriate contact below.
Paul Hammer (, Department of Campus Activites
This position works in partnership with OIPE to oversee the Series2 5 system and to implement procedures to enhance the 25Live Pro experience for campus users. This potition serves as a direct resoures to non-academic approvers within 25Live Pro.
Larry Hammer ( and Jacob Edwards (, Registrar's Office
The Registrar's office assists with course and exam placement; all classroom (110 coded spaces) scheduling requests; and updating the features, seating, and pictures for classrooms and class lab spaces in the 25Live Pro Series of CollegeNet.
Trista Middleton ( , Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness
In collaboration with Facilites Management, OIPE maintains the data related to space inventory, purposes, and reporting.
The 25Live Pro calendar function is supported through the Divison of Information Technology. Please contact or submit a ticket on the webpage.
Formerly Executive Memorandum 98-123
Initially approved February 1, 1977
Revised February 24, 1998
Revised: October 22, 2014
Policy Topic: Governance & Administration
Administering Office: Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness
Formerly Executive Memorandum 93-104
Initially approved August 1, 1993
Revised January 8, 2001
Policy Topic: University Factilities and State Owned Property
Administering Office: Physical Plant and University Police
It is desirable to have campus facilities open and available to serve their intended purposes. At the same time, the University has important responsibilities for the safety of persons and the safekeeping of property within its buildings. Consequently, a responsible balance must be drawn between concerns for accessibility and security.
To that end, the following policies shall apply: Monday through Friday, with the exception of faculty and staff who maintain permanent office assignment in the building, academic buildings are to be vacated and locked by Physical Plant custodians when custodial services are completed, generally between 11 p.m. and midnight; they are to remain locked until Physical Plant housekeeping personnel open the buildings at approximately 7 a.m. the following morning. On Saturday, housekeeping personnel will unlock the academic buildings by 8 a.m.; they will be re-locked at approximately 5 p.m. on Saturday and remain locked until Monday morning.
Exceptions to the standard schedule will be considered if satisfactory provision can be made for monitored use during hours when a building would otherwise be secured. The Director of University Police and the Director of Physical Plant should be consulted during the planning process for proposed exceptions. Exceptions must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.
Other campus buildings will open and close according to the schedule of staffed operations in each building. Responsibility for recommending opening and closing hours for each campus building is assigned to the building coordinator. Proposals should specify who will lock and unlock exterior doors, when and where staff or monitors will be present, and the kind of uses to be accommodated. The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance will receive these proposals, coordinate necessary review, and forward them to the Chancellor for action.
Control of and accountability for keys are essential elements in the balance between building accessibility and security. Keys should be issued only to University personnel with clear and recurring need for them. Faculty members and administrative officers generally will have exterior door keys for the building in which they work. Building coordinators will commonly have master keys for an entire building. Department heads may be authorized to possess submaster keys. (Policy #13 specifies persons who are authorized to have master and submaster keys.) Keys, especially master keys, should be kept on the authorized holder's person or in a secured location. Department heads and building coordinators should maintain current records of persons to whom keys are issued and should act to recover keys when faculty and staff members leave University employment or no longer have valid need for the keys issued to them.
To re-key an entire building is expensive and time-consuming. Key-holders, therefore, are urged to guard against unauthorized access to their keys, to relock secured doors when they enter and leave a building, and to report observations of unauthorized entry to University Police.
It is the policy of ĢƵ (the "University" or "WCU") to promote and facilitate the effective and efficient use of its property, facilities, furnishings, equipment, and information technology assets in furtherance of its mission. Space in facilities owned or controlled by the University will be allocated and used in furtherance of the interests of the entire University community, in accordance with this policy.
This policy applies to all property and facilities owned or controlled by the University wherever situated unless the property and facilities are exempt from this policy by agreement, policy or regulation.
"Academic Space" for purposes of this policy means any space primarily used for instruction, instructional support, research, and clinical activities.
"Allocation" for purposes of this policy means the designation of University space in accordance with Section VI of this policy.
"Assignment" for purposes of this policy means the sub-allocation of University space.
"Division" for purposes of this policy means any functional operating unit of the University (i.e., divisions, colleges, departments, programs, offices, and units).
"Executive Council" means the Chancellor's executive leadership group comprised of the Chancellor, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Chief of Staff, Chief Information Officer, Athletic Director, and General Counsel.
"Facility" means any building, structure or property that is owned or leased by the University or otherwise operated under its control.
"Facility Coordinators" are those individuals who have been officially designated by position as approved by the Executive Council and have the responsibilities set forth in Section VII of this policy. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities shall assume the responsibilities set forth in Section VII for any Facility or Property that does not have a designated Facility Coordinator. The Chief of University Police shall assume the responsibilities set forth in Section VII for any parking Facilities that do not have a designated Facility Coordinator.
"Property" means any outdoor space, real property or land owned or leased by the University or otherwise maintained under its control.
"Senior Administrator" for purposes of this policy means any member of the Executive Council, any Associate or Assistant Vice Chancellor, or any member of the Council of Deans.
"Space" for purposes of this policy means all or any part of any University facility or property wherever located.
"Space Use Code" means a standardized space classification system that facilitates the University's management of its facilities.
The Chancellor has ultimate responsibility and authority over the Allocation, reallocation, Assignment, and use of Space in accordance with this policy. The Chancellor may delegate all or any part of his/her responsibilities under this policy to the Executive Council.
Once Space has been allocated to a Division for a primary purpose and use, Space must continue to be available for broader purposes and uses that are in the best interests of the University.
University Space may be reallocated at any time irrespective of the length of time a Division has occupied and used that Space or the cost and extent of prior improvements to the Space paid out of the Division's budget.
A. Committee Responsibilities
The Space Management Committee ("SMC") is hereby established as a University standing committee that reports to the Chancellor. SMC shall have the authority and responsibility for the following functions:
1. Assist the Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness ("OIPE") in maintaining
an inventory of University Space needs;
2. Assist OIPE in maintaining and publishing an inventory of all University Space,
which should include the applicable Space Use Code, the name and contact information
of the Senior Administrator who has authority to make Assignments of allocated Space,
and the name and contact information of the Facility Coordinator;
3. Review all Space Allocation and reallocation proposals, and make recommendations
to the Chancellor based upon the current/proposed Space Use Code, Space needs, FTE
production, utilization patterns, and the source of funds supporting the Space (i.e.,
fees or state appropriations);
4. Review Space utilization metrics against Space standards and scheduling standards
and make recommendations to the appropriate official;
5. Review proposals for strategic renovation of Academic Space to improve utilization
and make recommendations to the appropriate official, and consult as appropriate on
other Space renovations;
6. Provide reports of reviews and recommendations to the Chancellor, Executive Council,
and/or a Senior Administrator regarding any matter within SMC's areas of responsibility;
7. Facilitate annual training for Facility Coordinators.
B. Composition of SMC
The SMC is comprised of the following University personnel:
1. The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Planning and Effectiveness, who shall serve as
2. The Registrar;
3. The Resource 25 system administrator;
4. The OIPE space analyst;
5. The Director of Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction;
6. The University Architect;
7. Two representatives from Academic Affairs appointed by the Provost;
8. Two representatives from Student Affairs appointed by the Vice Chancellor;
9. Two representatives from Information Technology appointed by the CIO;
10. Two members of the General Faculty appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate;
11. Two staff representatives - either SHRA or EHRA non-faculty - appointed by the
Chair of the Staff Senate;
12. A representative from Athletics appointed by the Athletic Director; and
13. A member of the Academic Space Advisory Board ("ASAB") who is not already serving
on the SMC.
C. Academic Space Advisory Board
The ASAB is hereby established as a standing advisory board of the SMC. The members of the ASAB include:
1. The Registrar;
2. The OIPE space analyst;
3. The Resource 25 system administrator;
4. The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Planning and Effectiveness;
5. An associate dean from each college or school unless the dean designates a different
representative; and
6. Two members of the General Faculty appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate.
SMC may invite others to participate in the ASAB discussions and activities as appropriate.
Due to the unique character of Academic Space, upon request by SMC the ASAB will review initial Allocation and reallocation proposals and utilization concerns pertaining to Academic Space. The ASAB will report its findings and recommendations to the SMC for its consideration and action.
A. Space Allocation and Reallocation
All University Space is assigned a Space Use Code using University of North Carolina and nationally recognized categories. Space Use Code Assignments are reviewed annually. Any request for new Space or proposed change in Space Allocation, reallocation or use that impacts the Space Use Code must be submitted in writing to SMC for its review. Following its review, SMC shall submit its recommendations to the Chancellor for final approval.
B. Space Assignment
Once Space has been allocated to a Division, Assignments of discrete subunits within that Space, except general use classrooms, may be made by the Senior Administrator who is administratively responsible for the Space. Any Assignment or reassignment of Space must be consistent with approved Space Use Codes and must be reported to OIPE for inventory purposes.
C. Space Allocation and Reallocation Procedures
Implementing procedures and processes regarding the Allocation and reallocation of University Space shall be developed by the SMC upon consultation with the ASAB. Such procedures shall be reviewed and approved by Executive Council.
Facility Coordinators and their designee(s) shall have the following responsibilities for their designated Facilities:
1. Facility Coordinators or their designees shall ensure that classrooms in their
Facilities are unlocked by 7:50 a.m.;
2. Maintain a master key system for the Facility;
3. Identify the keys, cards and other secure access devices that are to be assigned
to authorized users of Space in the Facility;
4. Assist SMC in the review of Space Allocation, reallocation, Assignment, and reassignment
proposals within their Facility;
5. Assist OIPE in maintaining a current inventory of Space Allocations and Assignments
within their Facility, including the names of occupants and the current space attributes;
6. Act as point of contact for routine and special communications pertaining to the
Facility, including –
• Facility maintenance;
• Construction, services, and service outages;
• Energy management coordination; and
• Emergency planning and management;
7. Develop and maintain procedures to communicate with Facility users during and outside
of normal business hours as may be necessary in the event of Facility specific events/circumstances.
In circumstances involving broader University emergencies, communication must be coordinated
with the University emergency alert system;
8. Act as point of contact for Facility specific discussions with University officials
and external emergency personnel involved in drills, training, and emergency response
activities. Information and resources pertaining to campus Emergency Services and
emergency preparedness may be accessed at /about-wcu/campus-services-and-operations/emergency-services/
9. Coordinate as necessary with the designated alternate Facility Coordinators who
will act in the coordinator's absence;
10. Act as point of contact with the Office of Conference Services regarding scheduling
conferences and events in the Facility.
11. Serve as the Clery Act campus security authority (CSA) for the Facility. Specific
responsibilities and information may be accessed at the University's Policy on Clery
Act Compliance, Policy #116.
A list of Facilities and Facilit6y Coordinators is available in Section IX.
This policy shall be reviewed and revised as necessary every four (4) years.
Initially approved: August 12, 2013
Revised: July 13, 2015
Policy Topic: Governance & Administration
Administering Office: Residential Living Conference Services/Event Services
It is the policy of ĢƵ (the "University") to promote and facilitate the most effective and efficient use of its facilities, property, and resources in furtherance of its mission. Toward this end, the purpose of this policy and implementing procedures is to ensure the best service to internal and external customers alike through coordinated scheduling and the use of University facilities, spaces, resources, and support staff.
This policy generally applies to any one or more of the following events:
(1) That anticipate more than twenty (20) attendees, including University students, faculty, and staff; or
(2) That occur in facilities or on property that is operated, owned or otherwise controlled by the University, including the Biltmore Park instructional site; or
(3) That are offered pursuant to a facilities use or other University agreement; or
(4) That require University auxiliary services such as law enforcement/security, dining and catering services, facility management/venue set-up, and lodging; or
(5) That potentially pose significant risk of harm to persons or University property; or
(6) That serve minors.
For illustrative purposes, this policy applies, but is not limited to, the following types of events:
(1) Athletic events, including intercollegiate competition and summer camps;
(2) Musical, theatrical or artistic programs and performances, including marching
band competitions such as the Tournament of Champions;
(3) Instructional/educational programs, including day camps, multiple day (overnight)
camps, and academic panels;
(4) Open houses for prospective students;
(5) New student orientation;
(6) Residence hall move-in;
(7) Events hosted by Non-University Groups, including community and regional programs
of public interest or public hearings;
(8) Events hosted by University Groups;
(9) Recreational events, including walk/run events such as 5K runs;
(10) Alumni events;
(11) Festivals, including Mountain Heritage Day;
(12) University receptions, including receptions for public officials; and
(13) University of North Carolina events
This policy does not apply to regular, periodic meetings held in connection with the
routine administration of the University’s business and affairs; provided, however,
that in the event a particular regular meeting of a University Group, Affiliated Group
or Recognized Student Organization should require the use of exceptional University
resources such as assistance with parking services, traffic control, facilities set-up
and tear-down, information technology support, and additional space, that meeting
will be subject to the requirements of this policy.
“Affiliated Group” means a group or entity that is directly or indirectly controlled by, controlling or under common control with the University.
“Event Sponsor” means any person, group or organization responsible for organizing, supporting, and hosting an event or activity.
“Non-University Activity” is any function, event or activity that is not a University Activity.
“Non-University Group” is a group other than a University Group or Recognized Student Organization that is a legally separate entity from the University, even though some of the members or participants may be University personnel, alumni, or students. A Non-University Group also may be a single individual.
“Recognized Student Organization” means the Student Government Association and other student clubs and groups that have been officially recognized by the University. A Recognized Student Organization also may be considered an “affiliated group.”
“University Activity” is any function, event or activity sponsored by the University. For purposes of this Policy, the term “sponsored” means having written approval or authorization from the appropriate University official(s).
“University Group” is an administrative or academic unit within the University, staffed by state employees
acting within the scope of their employment. A University Group also may be considered
an “affiliated group.”
Use of University facilities for events generally will be consistent with the University’s mission and in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, and University policies.
All events to be held on the University’s campus, any instructional site or other property controlled by the University shall be scheduled, coordinated and, if needed, administered through the Office of Event Services. The office contact information is:
Residential Living Conference Services/Event Services
1 West Scott Hall
Cullowhee, NC 28723
(828) 227-3024
Persons, groups or organizations sponsoring events on campus are subject to all applicable University policies, including the facilities use policy, as well as applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including non-discrimination laws. Event Sponsors will also be subject to procedures and regulations developed by the Office of Event Services as may be adopted and amended from time to time.
In order to help ensure that state resources are not used for private gain, Event Sponsors holding events in University facilities and utilizing University services will be charged rates in accordance with this policy. Rates are subject to change and Event Sponsors may obtain current rate information on the Office of Event Services website.
This policy shall be reviewed and revised as necessary every four (4) years.
University Policy #82, Facilities Use and Public Art
University Policy #65, Space Utilization and Allocation
University Policy #114, Solicitation, Assemblies, and Public Addresses
Lactation Spaces (Updated February 2024)
Building | Room | Contact person | Contact Method |
Biltmore Park | As Needed | Lauren Dodgin | |
Apodaca | 129 | Carolyn Wiggins | |
Hunter Library | Kerri Arbuthnot | Ask for the keycode at the Circulation Desk | |
Forsyth | 123B | Teresa Starrs | |
McKee | G03A | Savannah de Court | 828.227.3833 |
Bardo Arts Center | 114 | Kim Kopak | |
Belk | 337 | Theresa Marie McKenzie | |
Institutions of higher education must coordinate their human resources, financial assets, intellectual capital, and their primary resource, space, to achieve selected goals and objectives. The dollar value (initial cost, replacement cost, or market value) of a postsecondary education institution’s building often exceeds its annual operating budget and endowment without data on how much and what type of physical inventory it has, an institution cannot assess whether it has sufficient space available to fulfill its mission. Once complete, a facilities inventory will enable an institution to produce information which is meaningful and useful for planning at all levels of space allocation. A facilities inventory database can serve several important functions such as a directory, space utilization and analysis, planning, marketing, reporting, and institutional comparisons.
State agencies, with both governing and coordinating functions, have the responsibility to recommend the most efficient and effective use of scarce state and institutional resources, as well as to minimize the cost burden on students, parents, and the tax paying public. Understanding facility’s needs, both for new construction and for renovations, through comparative analysis of institutional data from constituent campuses and peer institutions across the country helps establish baseline requirements for future capital funding.
Space Utilization and Analysis Division of the UNC System Office, The Higher Education Facilities Commission was established by Executive Order in 1964 to administer the Higher Education Act of 1963 and served as a facilities information coordinating office and survey center for public and private higher education institutions throughout North Carolina. This commission was placed under the supervision of the UNC Board of Governors in the late 1970s and continued to provide state and federal authorities with facilities information linked to the allocation of federal funds for new facilities. With the ending of responsibility for federal funding oversight, the commission evolved into providing the UNC System Office and NC Community College authorities, space utilization and facilities data in the form of the yearly Facilities Inventory and Utilization Study. The commission was reorganized and renamed Space Utilization and Analysis in 2006. In addition to supplying detailed statistical data to each institution based on an annual collection and analysis, Space Utilization and Analysis also provides direct technical assistance to campuses for collecting/reporting of facilities data; data search services, software, special analyses, and other requested data processing services; and assistance in responding to interinstitutional or national comparative studies and surveys. The Facilities Inventory and Utilization Study, which is published annually by the Space Utilization and Analysis staff, presents statistical summaries of inventory and utilization information reported during the previous year. It provides institutional planners and researchers with an information system to use in assessing the status of their facilities, cites norms where appropriate, and thus affords a basis upon which to make peer institution comparisons and evaluations. In addition, the facilities inventory and utilization tables included in the publication present, where appropriate, historical information for the past five years.