Important Note: Due to budgetary limitations for summer 2021 and the ongoing effects of Covid-19, the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) will not be hosted over summer 2021. Our program hopes to return as an in-person and residential summer research opportunity in summer 2022. If you would like more information or would like to collaborate on SURP planning for summer 2022, please contact the program Director, Kloo Hansen, at
WCU's Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) is a unique undergraduate research & creative inquiry program in which participating students have the opportunity to be immersed in a full undergraduate research experience. Participating students develop a proposal for a research or creative objective, conduct the inquiry on campus over 8 weeks in the summer with the faculty mentor, and culminate the experience presenting formally at the SURP Research Symposium. SURP students also participate in professional development, community building, and academic enrichment throughout the 8-week experience. Any full-time undergraduate student, from any discipline, is encouraged to apply. Interested students will be required to have a faculty sponsor to participate.
The SURP Proposal consists of four main components described in detail below. Please read these instructions carefully.
Important Note: Due to budgetary limitations for summer 2021 and the ongoing effects of Covid-19, the Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) will not be hosted over summer 2021. Our program hopes to return as an in-person and residential summer research opportunity in summer 2022. If you would like more information or would like to collaborate on SURP planning for summer 2022, please contact the program Director, Kloo Hansen, at
Students will apply using the available Qualtrics button below. In this application system (part 1), the student will complete all four components for submission. The form is currently closed
This application consists of four components:
Applications are currently closed.
The proposal (part 2) should be typewritten and formatted in an appropriate, professional style (including citations) of your discipline. Font size should be no smaller than 10-point. The proposal should be no more than eight double-spaced pages and adhere to the following format: The student is the primary author of the proposal (part 2), but it is expected that the faculty mentor will collaborate on the content and advise on the writing and format. The letter of recommendation (part 4) will be written and submitted by the faculty mentor and will be kept in confidence; the student waives access to this letter upon submission of the application. The submission of your application also signifies that you give permission for your academic records (in the form of your unofficial academic transcripts) to be shared with the selection committee (part 3).
Proposal Organization:
Please name the proposal PDF file as "Lastname_Firstname_SURP2020.pdf". For example, if Hermione Granger were applying to SURP 2019, her proposal file should be saved as "Granger_Hermione_SURP2020.pdf".
Students are required to submit a copy of unofficial transcripts (part 3) in the application system.
Please name the unofficial transcript PDF file as "Lastname_Firstname_Transcript_SURP2020.pdf". For example, if Hermione Granger were applying to SURP 2020, her transcript file should be saved as "Granger_Hermione_Transcript_SURP2020.pdf".
The faculty mentor's letter of recommendation (part 4) should provide a fair and honest evaluation of the student's academic potential and the faculty mentor's interest and enthusiasm in working with this student on this project as part of the SURP program. By submitting the letter of recommendation, the faculty member signifies that he or she is committed to the SURP program and its expectations as described, if his/her student and project are selected. If there are any conditional circumstances or unusual parameters or needs for the project, faculty mentor, or student's participation, this should be disclosed and discussed in the recommendation letter.
Once a student submits their final proposal to the SURP Application Portal, an email will be sent to the faculty mentor to submit the Letter of Recommendation.
Please name the letter of recommendation PDF file as "Lastname_Firstname_Facultylastname_SURP2020.pdf". For example, if Professor Severus Snape were writing a letter of recommendation for Hermione Granger, his letter of recommendation file should be saved as "Granger_Hermione_Snape_SURP2020.pdf".
Getting Started:
Interested students should first contact a potential faculty mentor/sponsor to discuss the SURP program. Identify a mentor who is interested in undergraduate research and willing to work with you for an 8-week summer session. Once a faculty member is identified, the student should work with that person to put together the research proposal, which describes the nature of the work, line of inquiry, and overall goals of the project. The application also requires a timeline that roughly stages the work to be accomplished and a bibliography of works (articles, manuscripts, books, print materials, etc.) to be consulted (see parts 1-4 above).
Students who are selected must be willing to commit the entire 8-week time period to the pursuit of their scholarly agenda (avoid simultaneous coursework or part-time jobs) and one of the end-goal objectives should include readiness to formally present about the project. Additionally, all summer research students will be encouraged to participate in an appropriate undergraduate research conference promoted by Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry at WCU.
Work with a Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵSummer Research Scholar:
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 policy changes for WCU, the 2020 Summer Research Scholar Program has been canceled for this summer.
For a two-week time period each SURP student will be partnered with a new incoming WCU, Brinson Honors College, first year student (our summer research scholars). In this mentorship role, the student will help the research scholar to learn more about the facilities and amenities for research at WCU. Undergraduates will work with their faculty advisor to plan for the work of the research scholars, and undergraduates will have significant supervision and mentoring responsibilities for these new students during this time. Summer Research Scholars will join teams from June 15 - 26, 2020.
Participation Expectations:
Final details for the 2020 program offerings is still being finalized. The SURP program will provide opportunities for students to engage in academic enrichment, community building excursions, and professional development. Advance schedules for the dates and times of these opportunities will be provided to students and faculty mentors. It is expected that participating students, earning a stipend, will attend these opportunities. Some of the program activities will be required, while others will be optional.
Some excursions will include some local travel, and when available, Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵwill offer to help with transportation. More information on outings and activities will be provided after selection of the participating teams.
SURP 8 week schedule for undergraduate students:
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 policy changes for WCU, the 2020 Summer Research Scholar Program has been canceled for this summer.
What is the Summer Research Scholar Program:
This is a Brinson Honors College-sponsored undergraduate research program offered to invited in-coming freshmen Brinson Honors College students. It is an immersive 2-week research experience, which is supported by student enrollment in a hybrid 3-credit hour seminar course with Honors designation, USI - 190: Introduction to Research. The course will run from June 1, 2020 - August 7, 2020.
When is the program held on campus:
The Summer Research Scholars program will be held concurrently and as part of the overall summer program. It runs for two weeks, and dates for 2020 are June 15 - 26, 2020.
How do I participate:
The Summer Research Scholars will be invited to apply and participate based on their application to Western Carolina and overall academic profile. Summer scholars will be new, incoming Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵfirst-year students in the fall 2020 semester.
Summer scholars will make preferences about their participating research groups at the time of their enrollment in the program; and the faculty members will help assign the scholars to the existing teams based on academic interests and student preference.
It is highly encouraged that Summer Research Scholars sign up and attend the earliest FYIC Summer Orientation session. Please see New Student Orientation information (dates are still being finalized).
Every participating Summer Scholar will need to complete a . If a participant will be under the age of 18 during their participation in the program they must have a parent or legal-guardian's signature in addition to their own.
SURP 2 week schedule for Summer Scholars:
What are the faculty expectations:
Faculty members who have identified a student with whom they wish to work for the summer will collaborate with the student as he/she prepares the proposal. The faculty member will also submit a letter as part of the application. Faculty members selected must be willing to commit to being available during the entire 8-week time period over the summer. Mentorship of undergraduate research varies widely by discipline, but it is expected that faculty mentors will meet with the student one-on-one, face-to-face for some time each week during the experience. Other mentorship activities will vary by discipline and professional requirements (e.g. lab students must not be allowed to work alone in lab) and are at the discretion of the faculty mentor.
The SURP program will also include several group activities and outings. This will include some local travel. These activities and outings are generally for the benefit of the students; however faculty mentors are invited to participate in all program activities. More information on outings and activities will be provided after selection of the participating teams. The SURP program will host a meet and greet orientation session at the conclusion of the spring 2020 semester to discuss expectations in greater detail. If a faculty member has an unavoidable conflict with the summer schedule for a brief time period, those time restrictions should be provided in the application materials (in the faculty letter) so that those restrictions can be taken into account at the time the awards are made.
Faculty Stipend & Supply Budget:
Work with a Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵSummer Research Scholar:
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 policy changes for WCU, the 2020 Summer Research Scholar Program has been canceled for this summer.
For a two-week time period each SURP student will be partnered with a new incoming Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵfirst year Brinson Honors College student (our research scholars). In this mentorship role, the SURP student will help the summer research scholar to learn more about the facilities and amenities for research at WCU. Undergraduates will work with their faculty mentor to plan for the work of the research scholars, and undergraduates will have significant supervision and mentoring responsibilities for these new students during this time. It is expected that faculty members selected as part of the program will also work with the summer research scholar for a 2-week period. The summer research scholars will be assigned to teams based on academic interest, later in the spring term. Faculty members will have a role in how the summer research scholars are selected. Faculty members should expect to be more available (not less) during these two weeks as compared to other weeks of the program. Faculty members are responsible for assembling a reading list for research scholars and to be intentional in planning their time on campus.
After SURP:
Additionally, faculty mentors will help prepare their summer research students to apply to and participate in an appropriate undergraduate research conference in the fall semester. This can be discipline specific and/or those promoted by WCU. SURP Leadership will periodically request updates, via Qualtrics, from SURP faculty on the progress of their research endeavors and of the SURP student.