Weaving Drafts

See More: The following index illustrates many traditional weaving patterns. Click on either the name of the pattern or an example of the pattern to learn more.

Select a Pattern Name: Select a Pattern Example:
Betty Teague Drawdown Blue Bell Drawdown Bonapartes March Drawdown
Chariot Wheel Drawdown Compass Work 1 Drawdown Compass Work 2 Drawdown
Compass Work 3 Drawdown Compass Work 4 Drawdown Double Bowknot Drawdown
Double Snowball Drawdown Federal City Drawdown Federal Constitution Drawdown
Germany Star Drawdown High Cricks Delight Drawdown Kings Flower Drawdown
Pine Burr Drawdown Queen's Delight Drawdown Rattlesnake Drawdown
Seven Stars 1 Drawdown Seven Stars 2 Drawdown Velvet Rose Drawdown
Wagon Wheels Drawdown Young Ladies' Perplexity Drawdown