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Professor presents readings, publishes novel, qualifies as certified court interpreter

Santiago García-Castañón , ĢƵprofessor of Spanish, presented the lecture “El español en los Estados Unidos: retos y oportunidades” (“Spanish in the U.S.: Challenges and Opportunities”) on June 22. The event was organized by Tribuna Ciudadana and took place at the Asturias Press Club in Oviedo, Spain.

On June 30, he was one of five international poets invited to read his works at the 9th Poetic Encounter of San Miguel de Escalada in Leon, Spain. Later, on July 26, he gave a poetry reading organized by Asociación Cultural La Serrana. The event was held at the Hotel 40 Nudos in Aviles, Spain.

García-Castañón’s novel “El coleccionista”was released July 25 with a presentation organized by his publishing house, Ediciones Camelot, followed by a roundtable and a book-signing event. This is his 19th published book. He also had 16 poems included in the anthology “Nuestra torre de Babel”(León: Encuentros poéticos de San Miguel de Escalada, 2018); 89-105.

Also over the summer, García-Castañón satisfied all the requirements to be a North Carolina certified court interpreter by the Office of Language Access Services of the N.C. Judicial Branch, pending being sworn in.  He is the only certified court interpreter in Judicial District 30.

