The following is a compilation of grants awarded at Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ during September and October of 2018. The list is presented in unedited form, courtesy of WCU’s Office of Research Administration.
Grants awarded to Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵSept. 1-30
Title: Archaeological Excavation Work in the Federal Republic of Germany
PI: Nicholas Passalacqua
Funder: DOD Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency
Amount: $185,551
Description: to conduct archaeological field surveys and systematic archaeological excavation of human remains and material evidence associated with the loss of a WW-II bomber.
Title: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments, Adaptation, and Communication
PI: Robert Young
Funder: National Park Service
Amount: $80,000 (Supplement to a 2-year award)
Description: to provide the general public and parks with tools and technical support to respond to the threats of natural hazards and climate change.
Title: Effects of ultraviolet and infrared radiation on the hemlock wooly adelgid and their bacterial endosymbionts
PI: Angela Mech
Funder: USDA National Forest Service
Amount: $20,000
Description: to better understand the role UV and IR radiation has on insect bacterial endosymbionts, to contribute to silvicultural and restoration efforts for eastern hemlock.
Title: North Carolina School Executive Leadership Program: Advancing School Leadership in NC
PI: Jessica Weiler
Funder: North Carolina Alliance for School Leadership Development
Amount: $700,000 (2-year continuation)
Description: to help prepare educators to become school principals and strengthen the quality of educational leadership in public schools.
Title: Research on conservation and recovery of the endangered dusky gopher frog
PI: Joseph Pechmann
Funder: US Fish and Wildlife Service
Amount: $90,000 (continuation of a 3-year award)
Description: To continue and expand research related to the conservation and management of the endangered dusky gopher frog, Rana sevosa.
Title: Talent Search
PI: Todd Murdock
Funder: US Department of Education
Amount: $393,402 (year 3 of a 5-year grant)
Description: To support and empower Western North Carolina students in grades 7-12 and prepare them for college through tutoring and enrichment programs.
Grants awarded to Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵOct. 1-31
Title: Conduct Fire Effects in the Southern Appalachians
PI: Peter Bates
Funder: USDA National Forest Service
Amount: $16,776
Description: to continue support of fire monitoring plots in the southern Appalachians
Title: Expanding the Use of Biological Controls as a Mitigation Tool for Control of Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in Western North Carolina
PI: James Costa
Funder: North Carolina Policy Collaboratory
Amount: $140,000
Description: to establish and monitor Laricobius spp. field insectaries, in order to assess effectiveness of beetle predators.
Title: Native – Controlling Hypertension and Risk Through Technology (Native-CHART)
PI: Ruth Goins
Funder: Washington State University
Amount: $6,601 (amendment to a 5-year award)
Description: to increase awareness of hypertension, blood pressure control, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and the attendant risk factors among American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander populations.
Title: North Carolina American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting
PI: Indrani Bose
Funder: North Carolina Biotechnology Center
Amount: $2,100
Description: to support the North Carolina Branch Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, a venue for students to present their work to a broad audience.
Title: Roads to Learning and Earning: Preparing Personnel to Improve Post-School Outcomes for Students with Significant Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
PI: David Westling
Funder: US Department of Education
Amount: $125,000 (year 2 of a 5-year award)
Description: to improve adult outcomes for persons with IDD in the areas of post-secondary education, community living, and community employment through the professional preparation of special education teachers and related services providers.
Title: Shadow Cats Program
PI: Sky Sampson
Funder: Cherokee Preservation Foundation
Amount: $7,150
Description: to expose Cherokee high school students to career paths of their choice as they job shadow someone in that career or major for two weeks.
Title: Silica protection in the construction industry
PI: Ahmed Al-Bayati
Funder: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Amount: $75,000
Description: to prepare safety training materials for at-risk construction workers (e.g., limited English-proficiency workers, illiterate or low-literacy workers, young workers, minority workers, and other hard-to-reach workers) who may be exposed to airborne silica.
Title: The Way We Worked
PI: Pamela Meister
Funder: North Carolina Humanities Council
Amount: $2,000
Description: - to expand exhibit-related programming to a 7-county audience and include Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵstudents in engaged learning with community partners.