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More donations are needed to help university meet its SECC goal

The 2018 State Employees Combined Campaign at ĢƵ is moving through its final days, and more donations are needed from faculty and staff to help meet this year’s goal of $32,000.

As of Wednesday, Oct. 31, the total raised by ĢƵemployees stood at around $26,000, and organizers of the annual fundraising effort are hoping for another $6,000 in donations by the campaign’s end Friday, Nov. 9, said Jane Adams-Dunford, ĢƵassistant vice chancellor for student affairs and chair of this year’s SECC effort.

The SECC provides state employees with an official venue to donate to charities that they care about and that directly benefit those in need in local communities. Gifts can be designated for any of the 900 charities listed in the SECC Giving Guide or online at .

Every gift to the campaign makes a difference in the life of someone, Adams-Dunford said. A donation of $2 per week, or $104 annually, provides a domestic violence support group for 10 women, and $1 per day, or $365 for the year, covers the electric bill for a hospice patient for three months. A gift of $20 per week, or $1,040 annually, provides an access ramp for a disabled veteran. More examples of the power of giving through the SECC are listed in the chart below.

To make a tax-deductible donation to a charity, faculty and staff members should contact the team captain in their area or Adams-Dunford, or visit the website listed above. Donations can be made through payroll contributions, check or credit card (e-pledge). “We don’t live in a perfect world, and there’s never going to be a perfect time to give, but there are always people in need of help,” she said. “Your donation, regardless of the amount, will help – the power of giving.”

No state funds are used to carry out the campaign. For additional information, visit the SECC website or contact Adams-Dunford at jdunford@wcu.edu.
