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English Department's Carter to give poetry reading at Malaprop's

As part of a poetry celebration at Malaprop’s Bookstore in Asheville, Catherine Carter, a professor of English at ĢƵ, will present a reading Saturday, April 27, at 6 p.m.

Catherine Carter

The event recognizes the recent release of the North Carolina Literary Review, which annually publishes poetry, fiction and nonfiction, along with interviews and articles about North Carolina writers. Carter will be joined in presenting readings at Malaprop’s, located 55 Haywood Street, by fellow poets Amber Flora Thomas and Sally Thomas.

April is National Poetry Month, a designation inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, in addition to promotion of poets and poetry, the month now includes building awareness of the cultural significance of schools, libraries and independent bookstores.

Carter’s poetry has won numerous accolades. Her poem “Womb-Room,” received the 2018 James Applewhite Poetry Prize, while her chapbook “Marks of the Witch” won the Jacar Press annual chapbook contest. The North Carolina Literary and Historical Association awarded her the 2007 Roanoke-Chowan Prize for Poetry for “The Memory of Gills,” her first published book of poetry.

Carter’s newest collection, “Larvae of the Nearest Stars,” is forthcoming from LSU Press this fall and is described as “quirky, accessible poems that bridge and question binaries — human and nonhuman, lyric and narrative, science and magic, river trash and galaxies.”
