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State Employees Combined Campaign reaches halfway point

It’s that time again, when the ĢƵ community has an opportunity to make a powerful and positive impact in local, national and global communities by supporting the State Employees Combined Campaign.

WCU’s campaign, which began Sept. 30 and continues until Friday, Nov. 29, is at the halfway point and already has raised more than $22,000 of the $34,000 goal. Last year, the ĢƵcommunity reached and exceeded its goal of $32,000 by raising $36,000.

The SECC provides state employees with an official venue to donate to charities they care about and that directly benefit those in need in local communities. “You can designate your gift to any of the 900 charities listed in the SECC Giving Guide,” said Alison Krauss, director of WCU’s Office of Research Administration and chair of this year’s campaign. “Since it began in 1985, state employee donors have contributed more than $110 million to charities across our state, nation and world.”

Krauss said she encourages faculty and staff members to think about the people and causes they care about, their hobbies and interests, and things they would like to change or that give them concern. “Your donation to a cause that is important to you is your personal power of giving,” she said.

“I hope we can count on everyone for support toward reaching this milestone,” Krauss said. “Any donation, no matter how large or small, makes a difference in our communities and in the lives of so many people. I encourage you to make a personal choice to support a charity that is important to you.”

To make a tax-deductible donation to a charity, faculty and staff members should contact the team captain in their area. Donations can be made through payroll contributions, check or credit card (e-pledge).

Assisting Krauss with this year’s campaign is Bruce Barker, WCU’s Clery Act coordinator, who will lead the campaign next year.

No state funds are used to carry out the campaign. For additional information, visit the SECC website at or contact Krauss at alkrauss@wcu.edu.
