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Committee named to search for WCU’s next provost, academic affairs vice chancellor

ĢƵ Chancellor Kelli R. Brown has appointed a 13-member committee to conduct a nationwide search for the university’s next provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs.

Dale Carpenter, professor of special education and former dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions, has agreed to chair the committee, Brown said.

The committee will guide a search for a successor to Alison Morrison-Shetlar, who departed the role of provost last October and will become president of the University of Lynchburg in Virginia on July 1 of this year. Richard Starnes, dean of WCU’s College of Arts and Sciences, is serving as interim provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs.

“My goal is to name the next provost by May 1, which is the last day of classes for the spring semester,” Brown said in announcing the committee. “I believe this is achievable with the active participation of the university citizens who have answered the call to serve on the committee that will conduct this important search, and given WCU’s strong reputation.”

Members of the search committee are:

* Heidi Buchanan, professor, and research and instruction librarian, Hunter Library.

* Julie Johnson-Busbin, professor of sales and marketing, College of Business.

* Phil Cauley, assistant vice chancellor for undergraduate enrollment, Division of Student Affairs.

* Chris Cooper, department head and Robert Lee Madison Professor of Political Science and Public Affairs, College of Arts and Sciences.

* Enrique Gomez, chair of the Faculty Senate and associate professor of physics and astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences.

* Nelson Granda-Marulanda, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, College of Engineering and Technology.

* Alicia Grande, instructor of psychology, College of Education and Allied Professions.

* Matt Liddle, professor of print and book arts, College of Fine and Performing Arts.

* Amy Murphy-Nugen, assistant professor of social work, College of Health and Human Sciences.

* Chesney Reich, director of the Writing and Learning Commons, Division of Academic Affairs.

* Drew Thomas, director of academic resources and business operations, Division of Academic Affairs.

* Melissa Canady Wargo, chief of staff, Chancellor’s Division.

Plans call for the committee to work with a search firm to develop a description position, seek applicants and review materials to select a slate of candidates for interviews.
