Jim Costa
With "stay home, stay safe" orders in place and even the great outdoors seemingly closed, Highlands Biological Station, an installation of Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵ, remains at work to meet the conservation and educational needs of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now in its 93rd year, the 23-acre facility and grounds include the Highlands Nature Center, the William Chambers Coker Laboratory and other teaching labs, classrooms and dorms, and the Highlands Botanical Garden, which features a network of public-accessible trails and boardwalks. During a typical school year, the station's outreach program serves nearly 10,000 students through more than 250 programs, for 50-plus different schools across the region.
"These are trying times. Canceling programs and closing doors is a bitter disappointment, but not unexpected given the uncertainties in the weeks and months to come," said Jim Costa, the station's executive director and professor of evolutionary biology at WCU. "But one lesson from this unprecedented situation is just how adaptable and creative humans are, and how we rise to the occasion."
An example of that adaptation is seen in how the staff' is finding ways of filling the void of the suspension of workshops, classes and field trips.
Patrick Brannon
In the spring, outreach education specialist Patrick Brannon receives requests for programs on similar topics, such as wildflowers, frogs, birds, emerging insects and other seasonally related items. "During this time, many teachers are struggling to provide activities for their students at home," Brannon said. "Since I cannot visit them in person, I am, like many others, trying to continue to 'visit' their classrooms via the internet. So, I am creating weekly 'Science Short Shows,' which I send to those teachers, but also make available to the public at large, including other teachers and home school groups."
Using the YouTube format, Brannon has produced at-home video versions of some of his programs for elementary and middle school students, beginning with segments on frogs and snakes.
Paige Engelbrektsson
Paige Engelbrektsson, nature center education specialist for the station's nonprofit organization, the Highlands Biological Foundation, has been sharing virtual tours of what is currently blooming in the botanical garden and on the grounds.
"No matter what else is happening in our world at the moment, seasonal changes and beauty still occur in our mountains that are worth sharing," Engelbrektsson said. "Being able to lead nature tours and allow visitors to experience that through technology is a wonderful opportunity that can accessed by anyone, anywhere, and it's important we do what we can to help keep students stay in touch with the outdoors and encourage at-home learning."
Along with Winter Gary, communications and events coordinator for the foundation, Engelbrektsson has been posting ideas for daily fun and learning activities for children on the station's Facebook page as part of a "Nearby Nature" series.
"Teachers have been extremely appreciative of these resources, which maintain a sense of normality in their lesson planning. These lessons are even more relevant when our students are outside exploring their backyards," said Jennifer Love, the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) coordinator for Macon County Schools. "Nothing can replace the experience of walking through the garden, seeing the animals at the nature center or having a guest scientist visit your classroom. But the schools certainly appreciate everyone who is going above and beyond to make this experience as normal and meaningful as possible."
The virtual lessons model hands-on activities and nature observation, with a focus
on topics that not only tie into the North Carolina Standard Course of Study but are
accessible to almost anyone when they walk out their door, Love said.
"I'm proud of the Highlands Biological Station staff — I know all this can be demoralizing, but I'm so appreciative of their resilience and determination to keep our momentum going," said Costa. "I know it's making a difference to the station, Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵand the broader community."
For more information about the Highlands Biological Station, including its nature center and botanical garden programs, visit .