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But wait…there’s more! List of faculty, staff award nominees expands

Because of a technical glitch, the names of several nominees for top Western Carolina University faculty and staff honors scheduled to be announced as the semester draws to a close were accidentally omitted from a previously published list of contenders.

Think of it as the digital equivalent of “my dog ate my homework” during these days of teleworking from home with intermittent Wi-Fi service.

With the COVID-19 pandemic-related cancellation of the annual Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards program, which had been scheduled for April 24, Chancellor Kelli R. Brown and Interim Provost Richard Starnes will notify award winners later this month, followed by the publication of the award winners in the Inside ĢƵonline news digest.

Nominees whose names were inadvertently left off the earlier list are:


Paul A. Reid Distinguished Service Award for Administrative Staff:

  • Alison Joseph, business systems analyst, Budget Office; Travis Bulluck, director, Advising Center; and Catherine Butterfield, assistant director, Student Financial Aid.


Judy Dowell Outstanding Staff Award:

  • Linda Woody, administrative support specialist, Office of the Registrar.


Star Staff Award:

  • Heath Smathers, tech support specialist, Instructional Technology and Desktop; Scott Swartzentruber, IT manager, Networking and Communications; Mark Conlin, turf/agricultural project manager, Office of Athletic Programs; David Young, facilities maintenance technician, Facilities Management; Misty Blanton, administrative support specialist, Purchasing and Accounts Payable; Kathy Lyda, vehicle and equipment operator, Cat-Tran; Jerry Adams, public safety supervisor, Office of University Police; Brittany Thompson, public safety supervisor, Office of University Police; Sibley Bryan, director, Math Tutoring Center; Amy Strickland, director of assessment, Office of the Provost; Colin Townsend, academic adviser, Office of the Dean, Honors College; Greg McLamb, student services specialist, College of Education and Allied Professions, Suite 201; Wes Bintz, research operations manager, Office of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Sheila Frizzell, administrative support associate, School of Music; Danielle Haney, administrative support associate, Anthropology and Sociology; Deb Henry, student services specialist, College of Education and Allied Professions, Suite 201; Kevin King, arts production specialist, School of Stage and Screen; Meredith Searcy, executive assistant, Office of the Dean, Honors College; Stephanie Gibson, administrative support associate, Physical Therapy; Kelly McIntyre, student services specialist, ĢƵPrograms in Asheville; Nicole Boucher, area coordinator, Residential Living; Leslie Cavin, assistant director of leadership, Campus Activities; Tacquice Davis, associate director of Multicultural Affairs; Patrick Frazier, associate director,  Admissions; Jack Kelly, director Mentoring and Persist to Success Program; Kati Seiler, Book and Supply Store; Miranda Stacy, administrative support associate, Office of Associate VC Student Affairs; Diane Swenson, public communication specialist, Campus Activities; Pamela McFarland, administrative support associate, Admissions; Mary-Anne Wike, tech support analyst, Coulter Faculty Commons; Ashley Vinson, medical/nursing assistant, Health Services; Emily Walker, administrative support specialist, Residential Living; Stephanie Wikle, Residential Living; and Tai Richardson, area coordinator, Residential Living


Bright Idea Staff Award:


  • Sametria Matthews, assistant director of academic support, Office of Athletic Programs; Mark Conlin, turf/agricultural project manager, Office of Athletic Programs; Zachary Bowers, building and environmental services technician, Facilities Management; Joe Kennison, facilities maintenance technician, Facilities Management; Dennis Messer, agricultural/horticultural specialist, Facilities Management; Jerry Adams, public safety supervisor, Office of University Police; Tabatha Gillett, student services specialist, College of Education and Allied Professions, Suite 201; Bridget Lopez, student services specialist, College of Education and Allied Professions, Suite 201; Greg McLamb, student services specialist, College of Education and Allied Professions, Suite 201; Teresa Starrs, business officer, Office of the Dean, College of Business; Magen Hinson, administrative support associate, School of Stage and Screen; Kevin King, arts production specialist, School of Stage and Screen; Jonathan Wade, senior educational technologist, Coulter Faculty Commons; Brian Boyer, residential case manager, Residential Living; Rita Dills, administrative support associate, Residential Living; Steve Zwilling, academic adviser, Advising; Jeff Bell, building and environmental services technician, Residential Living; and Deidre Hopkins, university investigator, Legal Counsel and Technology Transfer.


For the list of previously announced nominees, visit