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Kae Livsey named to federal advisory board on nursing education

By Geoff Cantrell

Kae Livsey with ĢƵ’s School of Nursing has been named to the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice.

Livsey, an associate professor in WCU’s College of Health and Human Sciences, will provide advice and recommendations to the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Congress. Issues facing the federal advisory board include the nursing workforce, nursing education and health care improvement.

kae livsey

Kae Livsey

Council members are leading authorities in the various fields of nursing, representatives of advanced education nursing groups (such as nurse practitioners, nurse midwives and nurse anesthetists); hospitals and other institutions that provide nursing services; and practicing professional nurses.

“This is a great honor to represent ĢƵat the national level and to be able to support the advancement of the nursing profession,” said Livsey about the four-year federal appointment.

Livsey’s program of research includes examination of high impact learning experiences and supporting education of professional registered nurses for emerging roles in community settings, including low-income senior housing communities and primary care practice environments.

Livsey received her baccalaureate in nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, her master’s degree in public health from Emory University and holds a doctorate in nursing from George Mason University. She also holds certification from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Organization Management.

The School of Nursing is nationally ranked and accredited, with undergraduate and graduate programs at the main campus in Cullowhee, Biltmore Park instructional site in Asheville and online. For more information, go to the website nursing.wcu.edu.