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ĢƵhires William Moultrie as its associate vice chancellor for student success

By Marlon W. Morgan
William Moultrie

William Moultrie

ĢƵ has announced the hiring of William Moultrie as its associate vice chancellor for student success. Moultrie will begin his new role July 1.

“William Moultrie brings extensive experience on a wide range of student success initiatives,” Provost Richard Starnes said. “His commitment to students, his deep passion to student success, and his thoughtful, strategic approach reflect the values we have long held here at WCU. We are very excited to have him join us in Cullowhee.”

Moultrie comes to ĢƵfrom North Carolina Central University where he served as the interim dean of University College in the Division of Academic Affairs. In his role, Moultrie was responsible for ensuring the successful transition of all first-time freshmen and transfer students into the University with fewer than 60 credit hours. He was also responsible for managing the University College Title III budget of $1.4 million annually.

Moultrie received his juris doctorate from NCCU’s School of Law in 2014. He completed his bachelor of science in business marketing from Albany State University in Georgia in 2009, and his master of business administration, also from Albany State, in 2010.

“Thank you to the students, faculty and staff at ĢƵ, Provost Starnes, Chancellor (Kelli) Brown and the entire Catamount community for the honor and privilege of serving at this great institution at this critical juncture in higher education,” Moultrie said.

“As a higher education administrator, I have dedicated my multi-dimensional career to enhancing student success, developing enrollment-driving strategies, fostering faculty and staff development, strengthening academic programs, implementing high-impact policies and procedures, and promoting a culture of academic excellence.”

Moultrie has also served as NCCU’s associate dean of University College, lead academic coach, program director of the Aspiring Eagles Academy and adjunct professor.