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ĢƵBoard of Trustees swears in new SGA president

CJ Mitchell

CJ Mitchell

By Julia Duvall

On Monday, April 17, ĢƵ’s new Student Government Association president CJ Mitchell, a rising senior from Charlotte, was sworn in as a ĢƵBoard of Trustees member for 2023-2024 academic year.

Mitchell is studying business management in WCU’s College of Business and served as SGA vice president for 2022-2023.

“It is an honor and privilege to serve the student body at WCU,” Mitchell said. “I am looking forward to the upcoming school year and what we will accomplish.”

SGA voices student interests and needs to administration in efforts to improve campus life. Students are elected or appointed to advocate, represent and serve all students of WCU.

In addition to SGA duties, presidents also serve on the ĢƵBoard of Trustees and participate in meetings and events.

During his swearing in, Mitchell had his duties outlined by ĢƵChancellor Kelli Brown, Jessica Woods, secretary to the ĢƵBoard of Trustees, and other ĢƵleaders. Bob Roberts, WCU’s Board of Trustees chair, attended virtually.

“Serving as the vice president this past school year has prepared me well to take on the duties of the president,” Mitchell said. “I am grateful to the mentorship extended to me by Chancellor Brown, the executive council and board members.”

There are three branches of SGA – the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch.

The executive branch serves as the administrative arm of SGA. It is comprised of the president, vice president, chief justice and other members appointed at the discretion of the president.

The legislative branch serves as the body for drafting, completing, and voting on motions/proposals intended to be in the best interest of students. It is comprised of the president, president pro tempore of the senate, clerk of the senate and parliamentarian.

The judicial branch reviews concerns and violations associated with SGA and holds traffic court. It is comprised of the chief justice, associate justice, clerk of court and justices.

Elected positions for 2023-2024:

  • President – CJ Mitchell
  • Vice president – Estefany Gordillo-Rivas – Oversees the legislative branch

Appointed positions:

  • Chief justice – Alyssa Moreau – oversees the judicial branch
  • Chief of staff – Rae Suber
  • Director of communications and marketing – Chienne Herman
  • Director of finance – Esaias Heyliger
  • Director of operations – Sara Renfrew
  • Director of C.O.R.E – Ethan Page
  • ASG executive liaison – Ashlyn Hannon
  • Director of diversity and inclusive excellence – not filled
  • Director of health and wellness – not filled

For more information about SGA, visit WCU’s website.