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A-B Tech graduates will continue to blaze a trail at ĢƵwith renewed MOU

ab tech mou renewal

John Gossett, president of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, and WCU Chancellor Kelli Brown signed an memorandum of understanding renewal between the two institutions.

By Julia Duvall

On Monday, Feb. 5, ĢƵ Chancellor Kelli R. Brown and John D. Gossett, president of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College, signed a renewal of the memorandum of understanding between the two institutions that guarantees admission to ĢƵfor all A-B Tech graduates who satisfy certain requirements.

“As our largest feeder institution from the community colleges in North Carolina, we greatly appreciate the collaboration and partnership with A-B Tech," Brown said. "We look forward to continuing to work together to streamline the pathway for transfer students to further their education at WCU.” 

Through the partnership, which is called the Catamount Trailblazer Program, there were 85 applications from A-B Tech students for the fall 2023 semester.

“We have enjoyed a remarkable partnership with ĢƵ and look forward to many more years of serving students well,” Gossett said. “Our students are excited to become members of the ĢƵcommunity and I am especially pleased that ĢƵinvites our students with open arms.”

To be eligible for the Catamount Trailblazer Program, students must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Be a currently enrolled student at A-B Tech Community College in a degree-seeking capacity.
  • Submit ĢƵApplication for Admission and records by the university deadline.
  • Submit application fee or waiver and fulfill all commitment action steps.
  • Be in good standing at A-B Tech and other institutions attended.
  • Demonstrate good citizenship and conduct.
  • Earn and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 at A-B Tech and a minimum GPA of 2.20 in the most recently completed academic term.
  • Earn an associate’s degree from A-B Tech in a college transfer program or in an applied program for which an articulation agreement exists.
  • Enroll at ĢƵwithin one academic year (within the next two regular terms or fall/spring semesters) of completion of the associate’s degree.
  • Submit the .
  • This is in addition to applying to WCU.

For more information about how to transfer to WCU, visit /apply/undergraduate-admissions/transfer-students/index.aspx.