By Marlon W. Morgan
Earlier this year, ĢƵ was ranked 34th on Forbes’ list of Best Mid-Size employers for 2024.
On Monday, April 22, the university’s faculty and staff were celebrated during the annual Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards ceremony.
“Our faculty and staff have worked incredibly hard to make this year a successful and memorable one for our students,” Chancellor Kelli R. Brown said. “Our work and our workplace culture does not go unnoticed.
“I was so pleased when ĢƵwas ranked 34th on Forbes’ list of Best Mid-Size employers and was only 1 of 2 universities in North Carolina to be recognized in the top 100 employers. This recognition reflects our commitment to academic excellence, access and value, and is a direct testament to the work and effort of each and every employee at WCU.”
The awards program is a celebration of achievements of the university’s faculty and staff in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service. Brown and Provost Richard Starnes presided over the event which was held in the Hinds University Center GrandRoom.
Prior to announcing the university award winners, Brown recognized this year’s WCU recipient of the UNC Board of Governors Excellence in Teaching Award, Alvin Malesky, professor in the psychology department.
Below is a list of the 2024 university award winners:
Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award – Channa De Silva
De Silva is a professor in the chemistry and physics department who intentionally modified his teaching methods using student feedback to make the course interesting and palatable to students. He uses a modified form of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, a student-centered active learning technique focused on process and is used with self-managed teams of learners with the instructor acting as the facilitator.
“In using POGIL, students became more active and engaged in the learning process,” Brown said. “Overall, his teaching approach shows that he cares about his students’ success.”
Star Staff Award – Chris Ray
Ray works in Facilities Management. His ongoing work and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty, along with his dedication to the university’s external partners with Mountain Heritage Day are just a few reasons why he was chosen.
“With his everlasting can-do attitude, Chris Ray is the epitome of what the Star Staff Award represents,” Brown said. “You will not find a more dedicated individual at WCU. Mr. Ray works tirelessly each year to ensure the Mountain Heritage Day festival is successful. Amid setting up the 2023 event, he had a heart attack and was hospitalized. He called from the hospital bed to assist with Mountain Heritage Day. Now that is dedication.”
Bright Idea Staff Award – Brenda Holcombe
As a director of university scholarships, Holcombe’s idea of Catamount Commitment during the last recruiting cycle helped change the world of scholarship awarding at WCU. Enrollment had declined because of COVID-19. Holcombe’s idea was risky in that it could backfire with underproduce enrollment or overcommit allocated funding.
“But when the fall 2023 census dust settled, Catamount Commitment helped deliver the third-largest class in ĢƵhistory, increasing cohort quality and diversity, too,” Brown said. “This idea should aid performance-based funding as well. Ms. Holcombe’s involvement in the Catamount Commitment program and all of the ways she supports students with limited resources in the scholarship office has a great deal to do with the enrollment we have this year.”
Judy H. Dowell Outstanding Support Staff Award – Kevin Stephens
Stephens works in Facilities Management. He recently went to school to obtain credentials to become WCU’s backflow ORC, which protects the safety of the university’s water system. Since becoming the ORC, Stephens has worked to develop a program that has allowed ĢƵto become state compliant and functional level of protection.
“Mr. Stephens has also obtained his state swimming pool and spa operator’s license and helps maintain the Reid pool and Health and Human Sciences spa as needed,” Brown said. “He volunteers to come in every other Saturday for half a day to maintain the pool and spa.”
Paul A. Reid Distinguished Service Award for Administrative Staff – Trina Orr
Orr is the director of financial aid. She is a trusted adviser and leader for WCU and the UNC System.
“She is frequently called upon to share her expertise with various stakeholders such as faculty, staff, Executive Council and the Board of Trustees,” Brown said. “Because of her expertise, the UNC System asked Ms. Orr to serve on two task teams regarding the massive overhaul of FAFSA and NC scholarships.”
Paul A. Reid Distinguished Service Award for Faculty – Kathleen Brennan
Brennan, a professor in anthropology or sociology, has helped increase WCU’s understanding of institutional culture and climate associated with mental health through her extensive research and service. Her successful five-year collaboration with numerous stakeholders across campus has advanced mental health awareness and treatment on WCU’s campus.
“Her unwavering commitment has contributed significantly to important institutional goals, such as student support, inclusion and retention,” Brown said. “We look forward to seeing what Dr. Brennan’s future holds on our campus.”
University Scholar Award – Jonathan Campbell
Campbell is a professor of psychology and the director of the doctoral program in Health Service Psychology. Prolific in the area of neurodevelopmental disabilities, Campbell has authored or co-authored just under 100 articles and book chapters with almost 4700 independent citations.
“In addition to numerous other grants, he has teamed with ĢƵresearchers across colleges on Project INTERACT, a $1.25 million initiative to train graduate students from special education, communication sciences and disorders, and psychology to provide evidence-based assessment and intervention services to autistic students with high-intensity needs.”
Excellence in Teaching Liberal Studies – Brian Gastle
Gastle is a professor in English Studies. Gastle is skillful at tying Medieval literature to topics that are germane to students’ lives in 2024.
“He pushes his students to step outside their modern interpretation of words and phrases to better situate themselves – and their understanding – in works written during the Middle Ages,” Starnes said. “Dr. Gastle is a passionate, knowledgeable and affirming educator who encourages students to engage deeply with course subject matter.”
Innovative Scholarship Award – Katy Allen and Cyndy Caravelis
Allen is an associate instructor in the Department of Social work and Caravelis is a professor in criminology and criminal justice. The two collaborated and researched to develop a program that caters to the specific needs of Western North Carolina following the tragic murder of George Floyd and the subsequent calls for police reform. The Community Care Project is significant in that it offers new professional training opportunities for ĢƵstudents and fosters relationships with the local community to address their needs and concerns.
“It has already started to reshape law enforcement practices locally and across the state and intervene in national discussions about the intersection of policing and social work, a crucial topic when social issues persist,” Starnes said. “The creation of the ‘Community Care Program Manual’ is particularly noteworthy, as it provides a toolkit for other institutions and communities that wish to establish connections between policing and social work, showcasing its potential for far-reaching impact in North Carolina and beyond.”
Excellence in Community Engagement – Travis Rountree
Rountree is an assistant professor in English Studies. His engagement with the Sylva and Jackson County communities has been notable. For three years, he has coordinated Sylva Pride – Sylva’s first LGBTQ+ Pride event. He is also the co-founder of the LGBTQIA+ Archive of Western North Carolina, which gives voice to LGBTQ+ Appalachians. And he’s engaged in regional scholarly communities through is current presidency of the Appalachian Studies Association.
“This is another monumental task culminating each year in the coordination of the Appalachian Studies Association conference, which will be held this year at WCU,” Starnes said. “To top it all off he also volunteers with Blue Ridge Pride, centered in Asheville.”
Student Nominated Faculty of the Year – David Scales
Scales is an associate instructor of psychology. His research interest focuses on educational psychology and impacts to student learning, motivation, self-efficacy and retention, as well as equity in education.
His nominator said, “He is extremely passionate and easy to learn from and communicate with.”
Program of Excellence Award: Academic Program – University Participant Program
The trailblazing UP Program started in 2007 at WCU. It provides an inclusive, two-year, on-campus living and learning experience for college-aged persons with intellectual disability. The goal is to facilitate UP students’ transition from secondary school to adult life with education, employment and independent living. In May 2023, the program became the first inclusive postsecondary education program accredited by the Inclusive Higher Education Accreditation Council.
“ĢƵUP graduates beat the odds,” the nominator said. “First, UP graduates have maintained 90% competitive integrated employment in comparison to 21% of the national average. Second, 55% of the UP graduates are in their own homes and/or living with family members in comparison to 15% of the national average of individuals with intellectual disability living on their own. Additionally, UP students have been involved din 576 college courses with 239 different ĢƵinstructors and have worked with more than 110 employers on and off campus. And finally, ĢƵUP has brought in more than $4.5 million from grants and donors.”
Program of Excellence Award: Administrative Program, Irene Welch Award – Catalytics
The Catalytics team provides data at your fingertips through more than 88 dashboards. During the past year, Catalytics has provided a huge lift, producing dashboards for the new UNC System funding model, program retention, undergraduate graduation, admissions, financial aid, student debt and scholarships.
“They take complex data and create tools that are user-friendly for a variety of skill levels through collaboration and by prioritizing their partner’s need,” the nominator said. “I have observed them seeking to understand my perspective and checking in multiple times throughout the process for additional feedback. Sometimes I realize that there is more potential in the data and present a new problem to be addressed. They work to find a solution that meets my needs, even when it creates more work for them.”
Other University Honors
Scholarly Development Assignment Program
The purpose of this program is to assist members of the faculty in improving their competence as scholars by providing a period of leave from usual work assignments to pursue concentrated scholarly work. These assignments are based on the quality and feasibility of activities proposed for the assignment.
Andrew Adams, professor and director in the School of Music, David Orr Belcher College of Fine and Performing Arts
Adams will be writing his first book to establish a method for analyzing video performances of widely noted concert pianists and collegiate-level piano students. The book will establish a framework for analyzing hand, wrist, and arm positions relative to the body itself; motion and positions of the body relative to the keyboard; the distinctions between causative, reactive and extraneous motion; and other aspects of piano technique that can be applied by students to their own performance, a science of the self that is observable in real time.
Lisa Briggs, professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences
Briggs will be completing a training manual for search and recovery of missing persons using the latest scientific information and innovative technology on human remains recovery as well as filming and hosting a documentary focused on the work involved in the rescue and recovery of missing persons. A factual documentary will allow the quickest access by way of pop culture and media venues to reach a wide array of audiences, and the training manual will allow written distributable scholarly contributions in the fields of Human Remains Detection, Criminal Justice, and Emergency and Disaster Management.
Kae Livsey, professor in the School of Nursing, College of Health and Human Services
Livsey will be conducting research at participating schools of nursing and other organizations in Austria in conjunction with The Institute for Applied Research on Aging and the Department of Health and Nursing at Kärnten University of Applied Sciences. The goal is to examine the impact of the Austrian health system’s Community Nurse Pilot Program to improve care coordination and population health outcomes for older adults and relate these findings for potential nursing care models to support the same within the US health care system. She hopes to submit a minimum of three manuscripts in peer reviewed journals and develop a class lecture module related to the findings of the project which can be incorporated into undergraduate classes at WCU.
Kadence Otto, professor in the School of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Sport Management, and Hospitality and Tourism Management, College of Business
Otto will be writing the 2nd edition of her textbook, Applied Ethics for Sport Managers. The new edition will develop PowerPoints, include quizzes for each chapter, add two new chapters, and split an existing one. The new and adjusted chapters will explore how over-conformity leads to performance enhancements, how technological enhancements are changing sport, and gambling within sport and its ethical implications. Her goal is to submit the new book to Carolina Academic Press by early 2026 for publication.
Callie Schultz, associate professor in the Department of Human Services, College of Education and Allied Professions
Schultz will be partnering with The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo, Norway to join their friluftsliv (Norwegian concept/lifestyle meaning ‘outdoor life’ or ‘open air living’) research team, collaborating on social justice and friluftsliv-focused research projects. She will also be developing an academic exchange program between ĢƵand NIH to foster student study abroad between the ĢƵParks and Recreation Management program and the NIH Studies program. In collaboration with the friluftsliv research team, she will help produce three journal articles to be submitted to international peer-reviewed journals and present research at 3-4 international conferences.
Luiz Felipe Lima da Silveira, assistant professor in Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Lima da Silveira, in collaboration with the Italian National Council of Research, will be developing a hybrid course and mentoring program to train 12 early career researchers from across Italy to revise and improve global access to knowledge on firefly diversity. With data collected through this period, he will lead a taxonomic review of firefly species boundaries across the Italian peninsula, in addition to papers delimiting species and potentially describing new species in the region, and the digitization of 600+ extended specimens spanning the 22 known species with an emphasis on the 10 endemic ones, to be uploaded to online open databases such as GBIF and GenBank. This project will also develop e-publications and taxonomic keys, with factsheets for each firefly species of the Italian Peninsula, to be shared on social media, local parks, schools and science events.
Diane Styers, associate professor and head of the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences
Styers will be establishing a long-term research program focused on climate resilience and adaptation planning. Utilizing a human-centered research approach, she will concentrate on community engagement and capacity building activities designed to connect science to climate adaptation and resilience challenges and opportunities in communities through North Carolina, the Gulf of Mexico, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Chiba, Japan. Public participatory GIS workshops will be hosted in five locations in Fall 2024 with the resulting outcomes to be a selection of implementation strategies in specific geographic areas that have high community value and few feasibility barriers, improving lives and promoting economic prosperity throughout WNC and beyond.
Ashley Thrasher, associate professor in the School of Health Sciences, College of Health and Human Sciences
Thrasher will be conducting research through qualitative methodologies, specifically grounded theory, to explore best practices for difficult conversations in athletic training and develop several publications and educational modules to be implemented into professional education for athletic trainers. These items will coach athletic training students on navigating difficult conversations and facilitate transition to practice by giving the requisite knowledge for managing conflict and difficult conversations.
Bradley Ulrich, professor in the School of Music, David Orr Belcher College of Fine and Performing Arts
Ulrich will be completing a variety of important international performance projects and interacting with some of the best trumpet teachers in Europe in an aim to bring back the pedagogy, literature, and teaching techniques of Belgium to benefit students at WCU. He will also be posting video performances on his ĢƵwebsite, performing “Taps” at the new US WWI Memorial, playing at Menin Gate, and recording bugle calls from the Imperial German WWI army, all which will have a significant global impact on a large community of people who have loved ones buried in Commonwealth War Grave Commission cemeteries.
Yiqing Yang, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
Yang will be generating four manuscripts based on the analysis of data collected by our student researchers at ĢƵregarding meaning and purpose in later life. The research project involved the use of mixed-methods survey consisting of a quantitative questionnaire and open-ended questions to collect data from older Americans in local communities. Dr. Yang will spend time taking the findings from this project and turning them into corresponding manuscripts, while conducting cross-national comparative analysis in an aim to publish these manuscripts through a reputable peer-reviewed journal.
College of Arts and Sciences
Board of Governors College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award – Karen Kandl, associate instructor, Biology
College of Business
Board of Governors Creative and Innovative Teaching Award – Yi-Sung “Ethan” Cheng, associate professor, Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality and Tourism, and Sport Management
College of Education and Allied Professions
Board of Governors Award for Superior Teaching – Paul Stonehouse, assistant professor, Human Services
College of Engineering and Technology
Board of Governors Distinguished Teaching Award – Basel Alsayyed, assistant professor, School of Engineering and Technology
David Orr Belcher College of Fine and Performing Arts
Board of Governors College of Fine and Performing Arts Teaching Award – Leonides Lagrimes, assistant professor, School of Music
College of Health and Human Sciences
Board of Governors Innovative Teaching Award – Debbie Logan, assistant professor, School of Health Sciences
Hunter Library
Hunter Scholar Award – Elizabeth Gillespie McRae, associate professor, graduate programs director, Department of History, College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School and Research
Million Dollar Circle Award – Heidi Von Dohlen, associate professor, Department of Human Services, College of Education and Allied Professions
Provost’s Scholarship Development Award
Patricia Bricker, Jay M. Robinson Distinguished Professor in Educational Technologies in the School of Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Allied Professions
Hannah Buala, assistant [professor in the Department of Psychology, College of Education and Allied Professions
Matt Burleson, instructor in the Department of Chemistry and Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Meghan Gangel, assistant professor in the Department of Psychology, College of Education and Allied Professions
Jacob Heiling, assistant professor in the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences
Brian Kloeppel, professor in the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences
Rangika Hikkaduwa Koralege, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Mark Lord, professor in the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences
Shane Schoepfer, associate professor in the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences
Matt Vaughan, director of stewardship and forestry education in the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences
Cheryl Waters-Tormey, associate professor in the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences
Melinda Weathers, associate professor in the Department of Communication, College of Arts and Sciences
Yang Yang, assistant professor in the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences
Yang Yang, assistant professor in the Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Retired Faculty and Staff (May 2023 – April 2024)
Anne Aldrich, Office of the Provost
Jean Andrei, Facilities Management
Lisa Bloom (Phased), School of Teaching and Learning
Eleanor Blair (Phased), School of Teaching and Learning
Mike Braun, Residential Living
Margaret Bruder, English Studies
Steven Brown (Phased), Criminology and Criminal Justice
David Burress, Facilities Management
James Busbin, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, Marketing, Sports Mgt
Martha Carpenter, Heather and Counseling Services
Beverly Collins, Biology
Mark Couture (Phased), World Languages
Beau Drenan, Ramsey Center
Mary Ella Engel, History
Claire Eye, School of Stage and Screen
Thomas Ford, Psychology
Elizabeth Frazier, Office of the Dean, Graduate School and Research
Kevin Gabruk, Facilities Management
Patrick Gardner, Center for Rapid Product Realization
Duane Gibbs, Facilities Management/Purchasing
Eddie Holland, Facilities Management
Donna Jones, Bursar
Jon Marvel, Economics, Management, Project Management
Niall Michelsen (Phased), Political Science and Public Affairs
Kellie Monteith, Student Affairs
Kathy Orr, Office of the Dean, Arts and Sciences
Kathleen Prindiville, Residential Living
Josie Crolley Simic,Social Work
Lois Stiles, Mountain Heritage Center
Meredith Tate, Residential Living
Richard Tichich (Phased), School of Art and Design
James Ullmer, Economics, Management, Project Management
Mary Kay Waters, School of Music
Cynthia Williams, Human Resources and Payroll
Linda Woody, Registrar
Edward Wright, Economics, Management, Project Management
The following is a list of all award nominees:
UNC Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching - Finalists
Erin Callahan
Channa De Silva
Alvin Malesky
Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Nominees
Erin Adams
Greg Adkison
Sur Ah Hahn
Kia Alimohammadirokni
Katy Allen
Basel Alsayyed Ahmad
Ya Anna Dail
Barbara Ballentine
Julie Barnes
Jennifer Barrett Tatum
Ingrid Bego
Price Berryhill
Daniel Best
Joe Bill Mathews
Ellie Blaire
Nathan Borchelt
Brian Boyer
Jonathan Bradshaw
Susan Braithwaite
Kathleen Brennan
Rachel Bridgers
Sibley Bryan
Lara Bryant
Beth Budden
Chelsea Burrell
Pamela Buskey
Brian Byrd
Jon Campbell
Cyndy Caravelis
John Carr
Catherine Carter
Sam Castelblanco
Ethan Cheng
Grace Cheshire
Dan Clapper
Mae Claxton
Ella Clement
Regina Cline
Heather Coan
Michael Conklin
Emily Cowan
Chris Cox
Paige Dagenhard-Trainer
Brad Daniel
Channa De Silva
Heidi Dent
David Dorondo
Kristy Doss
Christopher Doval
Jane Eastman
Megan Eckardt
Kimberly Elliott
Andrew Emerson
Dustin Evatt
Charles Fagan
Bill Faust
Robert Ferguson
Larry Fisher
Tom Ford
Kevin Fulk
Maria Gainey
Mariano Garrido-Lopez
Andrew Grandage
Alicia Grande
Heidi Grappendorf
Adam Groh
AJ Grube
Dan Grube
Yancey Gulley
Shelby Hicks
Andy Hansen
Beth Harmer
Kristin Harrell
Adam Harris
Ian Hewer
Joy Howard
Cory Howk
Christopher Hoyt
Beth Huber
Jeremy Hymen
Ian Jeffress
Alesia Jennings
Chris Johnson
Julie Johnson-Busbin
Bora Karayaka
John Kennedy
Morgan Kennedy
Kelariz Keshavarz
Brent Kinser
Mary Knowlton
Robert Lahm
Johnny Lail
Marco Lam
Will Lehman
Mike Lenz
Luiz Lima da Silveira
Deborah Logan
Alexander Macaulay
Alvin Malesky
Jenny Mantini
Thomas Martin
Diane Martinez
Michael Martinez
Samuel McGuire
Erin McNelis
Elizabeth McRae
Melissa Mecadon-Mann
Katharine Mershon
Miranda Miller
Heather Mina
Mark Morgan
Hollye Moss
Sean Mulholland
Martha Neaves
Candy Noltensmeyer
Leigh Odom
Joshua Overbay
Steve Owens
Charlie Parrish
Sarah Pedonti
Aaron Plantenberg
Johanna Price
Amy Putnam
Royal Qualls Scales
Scott Rader
Josh Rakower
Aaron Ratcliffe
Christina Reitz
Geraldine Riouff
Lisen Roberts
Emma Robinson
Aimee Rockhill
Courtney Rogers
Terry Rose
Scott Rowe
Brandon Rupinski
Charmion Rush
Ken Sanney
Peter Savage
David Scales
Callie Schultz
Ophir Sefiha
Anjana Sharma
Michael Shick
Ellen Sigler
Tammy Simmons
Maggie Skiscim
David Solomon
Katerina Spasovska
Emily Stafford
Ben Steere
Paul Stonehouse
Allison Thorp
Caitlin Torrence
Jamie Vaske
Heidi Von Dohlen
John Wagaman
Colin Wasmund
Frankie West
Keith West
Callan White-Hinman
Denise Wilfong
Annie Wilson
Brad Witzel
Mesfin Woldeyohannes
Beth Woodard
Megan Woody
Laura Wright
Yang Yang
Star Staff Award Nominees
Nancy Alter
Kerri Arbuthnot
Madison Armstrong
Maggie Ashley
Dawn Behling
Ingrid Biddix
Emily Bingham
Sibley Bryan
Savannah Byerly
Dustin Cabe
Adam Chandler
Tierney Cody
Julie Conway
Chris Dahlquist
Elizabeth Davis
Amber Ellington
Jonathan Farmer
Daniel Fiskeaux
Briana Ford
Chastity Henson
Jeff Hughes
Kelsey Jones
Alison Joseph
Ann Kram
Ricky Lanning
Jamie Lanspery
Jonathan Leonard
Coleman Leopard
Jeffrey Logan
Kevin Mabus
Catherine MacCallum
Britany Marshall
Amy McKenzie
Greg McLamb
Chris Moore
James Moralez
Katie Pierce
DeVanté Thomas-Pittman
Anita Puerto
Chris Ray
Tom Roche
Lee Roderick-Brown
Evelyn Rucker
Sidar Sahin
Wesley Satterwhite
Barbara Starnes
Steve Wargo
Donna Watson
Bright Idea Staff Award Nominees
Christopher Ammons
Christy Ashe
Maggie Ashley
Betsy Aspinwall
Brian Boyer
Amanda Chapman
Keri Clark
Brenda Holcombe
Peter Koch
Coleman Leopard
Kevin Mabus
William Moultrie
Valerie Pelnar
Anita Puerto
Lee Roddick-Brown
Evelyn Rucker
Paul Schnorenberg
Sam Wallace
Judy H. Dowell Outstanding Support Staff Award Nominees
Nancy Alter
Regina Aton
Wes Bintz
Kathy Boland
Tina Fisher
Shelly Fulk
Adam Guffey
Lindsay Harvey
Melody Huddleston
Katie Williams Lanning
Kevin Mabus
Julie Mathis
Amber McKendrick
Kathy Orr
Chelsea Pressley
Chris Ray
Donna Reynolds
Chase Spencer
Kevin Stephens
Holli Stillman
Pam Taylor
Carolyn Wiggins
Paul A. Reid Distinguished Service Award Nominees
Kathleen Brennan
Dale Carpenter
Catherine Carter
Karena Cooper-Duffy
Amy Fagan
Santiago Garcia-Castanon
Kelly Kelley
Mary Anna LaFratta
Emily Virtue
Jess Weiler
Matt Brown
Sibley Bryan
Travis Bulluck
Alex Fields
Nancy Ford
Kloo Hansen
Trina Orr
Tabatha Springer
Ericka Zimmerman
University scholar award finalists
Jonathan Campbell
Channa De Silva
Nicholas Passalacqua
Excellence in teaching liberal studies nominees
Daniel Best
Kathleen Brennan
Emily Brier
Lyn Burkett
Robert Donnellan
Scott Eldredge
Brian Gastle
Rebecca George
Jake Grear
Chad Hallyburton
Travis Rountree
Vincent Russell
David Scales
Jeffrey Vickery
Lorrie Willey
Yiqing Yang
Stacey Zimmerman
Innovative scholarship award nominees
Katy Allen and Cyndy Caravelis
Jon Campbell and Project Interact Team
Channa De Silva
Brian Gastle and Catherine Carter
Robert Lahm &andFrank Lockwood
Gauhar Sabih
Yiqing Yang, Yue Hillon and Shelby Hicks - Design 4 Health
Excellence in community engagement award nominees
Katy Allen
Brian Boyer
Lisa Briggs
Brian Byrd
Erin Callahan
Cyndy Caravelis
Chris Cooper
Chris Cox
Todd Creasy
Jack Eaddy Jr.
Rebecca George
Marie-Line Germain
Kristen Harrell
Shelby Hicks
Jennifer Hinton
Denise Drury Homewood
Sara Snyder Hopkins
Kae Livsey
Steve Owens
Lane Perry
Travis Rountree
Elizabeth Sexton
Katerina Spasovska
Elizabeth Wark
Frankie West
Carson Williams
Student nominated faculty of the year nominees
Brian Byrd
Catherine Carter
Chris Cox
Bill Faust
Brian Kloeppel
Kristina Lind
Nancy Luke
David Scales
Bryan Schaffer
Program of Excellence – Academic Nominees
Academic Advising
Academic Success Program
B.S. Computer Science
Bardo Arts Center
Brinson Honors College
Construction Management
Department of Physical Therapy
Distance learning
Emergency Medical Care
English Studies
Environmental Health Sciences
Geosciences and Natural Resources
HESA Masters Program
Kimmel School of Construction Management
Nurse Anesthesia
Parks and Recreation Management
Political Science and Public Affairs
Doctor of Psychology
School of Health Sciences
School of Health Sciences Student Services Center
Stage and Screen
Accounting, Finance, Information System, and Business Law (AFIB)
University Participant (UP) Program
Writing, Rhetoric, & Critical Studies Program, Department of English Studies
Program of Excellence – Administrative Irene Welch Award Nominees
Advising Center
Campus Recreation & Wellness
Coulter Faculty Commons
Greek Student Engagement & Development
Human Resources & Payroll
Intercultural Affairs
Math & Computer Science Tutoring
Military Student Services
New Student Orientation
Office of Accessibility Resources
Office of Distance & Online Learning
Office of Special Events
Office of Student Retention
University Communications & Marketing
University Scholarships
Writing & Learning Commons