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Pat Kaemmerling re-elected chair of university's Board of Trustees

Patricia B. Kaemmerling, chief financial officer for Access Computers Inc. in Norcross, Georgia, has been re-elected chair of the ĢƵBoard of Trustees.  


‘Contract Negotiations’ workshop scheduled at Biltmore Park site

WCU's Office of Professional Growth and Enrichment is offering a workshop focusing on “Contract Negotiations, Liability and Risk Factors in Business” at the university's instructional site in Asheville.  


Trustees approve design for housing complex, razing of 2 dorms, parking deck concept

Less than a week after announcing record total student enrollment and the largest freshman class in its history, ĢƵtook several steps toward providing the additional housing and parking necessary to accommodate anticipated growth in the years ahead.  


Smithsonian 'Way We Worked' exhibit coming to heritage center

ĢƵ’s Mountain Heritage Center will host the Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibit “The Way We Worked,” chronicling late 19th- and early 20th-century jobs and labor and based on photographs from the National Archives.  


Ethical leadership seminar to be presented by 'corporate whistleblower'

ĢƵ will host a morning seminar on ethical leadership in the 21st century, Friday, Sept. 21, in the A.K. Hinds University Center theater.  


Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to speak as university honors chancellor's list students

Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch will deliver the keynote address as ĢƵholds a ceremony to honor the academic success of 1,423 students who were named to the university’s chancellor’s list for spring semester 2018.  


Office of Research Administration to hold grant-seeking workshop

ĢƵ’s Office of Research Administration will hold a workshop on how to find funding opportunities for research or projects.  


Friends of the Arts ‘friend-raising’ concert will feature Jim Witter

Jim Witter and his band return to the John W. Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center on Sunday, Sept. 16, to present the ĢƵFriends of the Arts’ annual “friend-raising” concert.  


ĢƵranked among best universities by US News and World Report

ĢƵ is again ranked as a top university by U.S. News and World Report, moving up in two regional categories of its “Best Colleges of 2019” guidebook and included in two national categories.