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One Book selection ‘The Book of Unknown Americans’ aligns with campus theme

ĢƵ’s One Book committee, which is responsible for selecting the book that is distributed to all first-year students before fall semester, has been wanting to choose a title that connects with the campus theme.  


Lowell Davis honored by ‘I Have A Dream’ Foundation at gala in New York

Lowell Davis was first introduced to the “I Have A Dream” Foundation as a fourth-grader in Dallas. Now, as ĢƵ’s associate vice chancellor for student success, that same foundation has recognized Davis for his career achievements.  


University representatives participate in AACU summer institutes

The Association of American Colleges and Universities selected ĢƵ for two of its four summer institutes, allowing faculty participants to engage with educational peers and experts to advance and spur teaching innovation.  


Geology students, alumni map landslides in Yellowstone National Park

A group of four ĢƵ geology students and alumni have been keeping an eye out for grizzly bears and other wildlife this summer while working on a project to map landslides in one of the crown jewels of the U.S. park system – Yellowstone.  


Communication strategies workshop for women scheduled in Asheville

ĢƵ’s Office of Professional Growth and Enrichment is offering a “Powerful Communication Strategies for Women” workshop from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3, at WCU’s instructional site at Biltmore Park.  


Entegra Bank announces $250,000 contribution for scholarship effort

Entegra Bank’s board of directors recently announced a $250,000 contribution to provide scholarship assistance to students from the region who want to study in WCU’s College of Business.  


Campus fixture Carol Burton creates scholarship fund to aid international graduate students

Through cash gifts, pledges and an estate gift totaling $50,000, Acting Provost Carol Burton has established a scholarship fund designed to help international students, especially those from Jamaica, earn graduate degrees at WCU.  


University retiree group makes gift to General Scholarship Endowment

The ĢƵ Association of Retired Faculty and Staff recently gave a $500 gift to WCU’s General Scholarship Endowment Fund, to continue making a mark on the institution.  


William Barnhill exhibit featured at Mountain Heritage Center

ĢƵ’s Mountain Heritage Center is hosting an exhibit on William A. Barnhill, a photographer who documented early 20th-century regional craftsmanship, in the museum’s second-floor gallery at Hunter Library.