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Moore Building

North Carolina budget advances renovations, salaries for WCU

North Carolina budget advances renovations, salaries for ĢƵ  

student life fall

Giving Tuesday efforts to focus on broadening scholarship support for students

ĢƵwill focus its annual Giving Tuesday initiative on raising $250,000 for scholarship assistance for those students who all too often fall through the cracks between merit-based awards for top scholars and income-based aid for those facing the greatest financial hardships.  


ĢƵBoard of Trustees to hold quarterly meeting Dec. 3

The ĢƵBoard of Trustees will hold its quarterly meeting at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Dec. 3, in the board room of H.F. Robinson Administration Building.  

brian railsback

Two countries, one literature class, brought together by ĢƵ

Looking for study abroad opportunities in the midst of the pandemic, Brian Railsback, a professor of English, decided to try a virtual study abroad course – but unlike other digital efforts, he wanted to “team up” with a literature class from another country.   

astronomy viewing

View the moon, Jupiter and Saturn atop the Apodaca Science Building

The Department of Chemistry and Physics will host a telescope viewing from 5:30-9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12, on the 5th floor terrace of the new Apodaca Science Building.   

A photo of a Western Carolina Teachers College ring on a white background

Centenarian Cats Celebrate

Lorene Browning Collins, class of 1942 and Sally Campbell, class of 1937, are celebrating big birthdays this week. Browning Collins is turning 100, while Campbell is turning 104, making her ĢƵ’s oldest alumna.  

The Rocks

ĢƵBoard of Trustees names three lower campus residence halls

WCU’s Board of Trustees formally named the three lower campus residence halls currently under construction during its recent annual retreat. The buildings are set to be complete in fall 2022 and spring 2023.  

Pat Kaemmerling

Former ĢƵboard chair shares her experience as both a scholarship recipient and donor

Pat Kaemmerling, former chair of ĢƵ’s Board of Trustees, has experienced life from both sides of higher education’s philanthropy equation – students who benefit from the contributions of strangers, and benefactors who make those contributions out of a desire to help others.  

Biltmore Park

Graduate School offers quality education, convenience through Asheville instructional site

The Graduate School has more than a commanding presence at its Biltmore Park Town Square instructional site in Asheville.