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David Kinner

David Kinner named dean of College of Arts and Sciences

The ĢƵBoard of Trustees appointed David A. Kinner as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences as part of its special-called meeting April 27.   


Center for the Study of Free Enterprise to hold town hall series on post-pandemic recovery

The Center for the Study of Free Enterprise will hold a series of four town hall meetings on the impact of COVID-19 and recovery – social and economic – on the community, beginning May 19 and continuing through early June.  


Graduate program in College of Engineering and Technology adjusts name

The College of Engineering and Technology has announced an update for the name of a graduate program to better reflect the scope of curriculum.  

financial winners

College of Business students dominate national financial planning competition

It was first place honors for Kristen Revis and a solid third place for Sophia Spangler, finance students in the College of Business, in a national collegiate competition held this past week in St. Louis.  

Maddie O'Shine

Survivor of sexual assault finds therapy in writing novels

Maddie O’Shine was about 9 years old when she was first sexually assaulted and 11 when it finally ended. Her post traumatic stress syndrome continues to this day.  

vaccine clinic 12

Vaccine clinic extends hours and resumes administering Janssen vaccine

WCU’s regional COVID-19 vaccine clinic will now operate with extended hours, including evenings and weekends and resume administering Johnson and Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine.  

faculty and staff awards

Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards return

After being canceled in 2020 because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, WCU’s Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards resumed, albeit in a limited capacity form.  

Jake Robinson

UNC Board of Governors appoints new trustee and reappoints three to ĢƵBoard of Trustees

The UNC Board of Governors appointed Timothy “Jake” Robinson of Canton, to the ĢƵBoard of Trustees, while also reappointing current board members, Robert “Bob” Roberts of Asheville, Haden Boliek of Fayetteville, and Casey Cooper of Cherokee.  

Freshmen Run

University prepares to offer full college experience this fall

ĢƵis gearing up for a traditional college experience this fall with plans to resume all academic, social and extracurricular activities and continue the academic excellence for which the institution is known.