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Graduate Profile: Samantha Klaver

Samantha Kalver


Samantha Klaver is graduating with a master’s degree in clinical psychology. In terms of research, ĢƵfaculty members say that Samantha has been one of the most productive students with whom they have worked. Samantha’s research focuses on understanding and reducing the impact of interpersonal violence, particularly in children who have been abused and neglected.

In the two years since coming to WCU, she has served as co-author on no less than 13 presentations, and as first author on four presentations at peer-reviewed conferences. She’s also the co-author of a currently under-review journal manuscript, and the first-author of another manuscript that will be submitted later this month. Samantha has also made contributions to the department as a graduate-level assessment teacher’s assistant and by mentoring the first-year students.

For new graduate students, Samantha says: “I would tell incoming ĢƵgraduate students to trust in the process. There will be moments in graduate school that will make you question yourself. When the work gets hard, you will have moments where you’ll doubt your own dedication and passion, but try to remember how privileged you are to be here, learning and growing at a wonderful school. And try to enjoy it and soak it all in – it’ll be over before you know it!”

After graduation, Samantha is off to the University of Central Florida’s clinical psychology program as a doctoral candidate. Samantha’s career goal is to become a university professor. But before heading south, she’ll cross the commencement stage with some very important people on her mind.

“Aside from thinking about not tripping over myself in my gown, when I cross the stage at commencement, I will be thinking of my parents and my brother, who are my absolute best friends. Every step I take on the stage would not have been possible without them, and I hope they know that, although my name is the one written on the degree, we share equally in this success.”