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Thesis, Disquisition, and Dissertation Information and Resources

Several graduate degree programs require students to prepare either a thesis, disquisition, or dissertation as an exit requirement of the program.There are two major deadlines and steps to keep in mind:

  1. Upload your abstract (or proposal) into ProQuest the semester before you anticipate graduating.


   2. Submit your final documents (finished thesis/dissertation/disquistion and Defense Form) the                     semester you graduate into ProQuest


*If you need a deadline extension, please email  

Apply for Graduation before starting of your final semester.

Turn in your abstract the semester before you graduate:

  • April 10th
  • July 10th
  • November 10th

Turn in your final documents the semester you plan on graduating:

  • April 10th - Spring Graduation
  • July 10th - Summer Graduation
  • November 10th - Fall Graduation

Helpful Resources 

For additional resources and forms, see your specific requirements below.

Thesis Students

Process for Completing your Thesis: Abstract to Defense

Thesis Abstract Approval Form

  1. Identify an appropriate topic for your thesis with your faculty and create a thesis committee (internal program process, no GS requirements).
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee chair to ensure all members of the thesis committee have graduate faculty status.
    2. In the semester BEFORE your graduating semester, you will submit your thesis abstract to your committee (internal program process, no GS requirements).
  2. Attend a Thesis workshop held in September, February, and June to orientate yourself with ProQuest.
  3. After committee approval, you now can create an account in ! When creating your ProQuest account please remember the following:
    1. Fill out your contact information completely. This is the only way the Grad School can find your documents.
    2. If you have a common name, or wish to identify your work more accurately, you can create an OrchidID in PQ. 
    3. Do not submit in PQ unless you are in the final stages (submitting finished thesis & defense form).
  4. Upload the following documents in the supplemental files tab in ProQuest:
    1. Title of Thesis (can be tentative—however, it becomes “final” 12 weeks before graduation)
    2. Thesis Abstract Form (with signatures as PDF)
  5. Do not submit, instead, email the Grad School that you have uploaded your initial documents:  grad@wcu.edu 
  6. Behind the Scenes- After you email us, the Graduate School will do the following:
    1. Verify that all members of the committee have graduate faculty status.
    2. Enter the thesis title into your student record. 
  7. Hooray! The first step is complete. Please keep in mind your deadline for submitting the final documents during your graduation term: April 10th (Spring Graduation), November 10th (Fall Graduation), and July 10th (Summer Graduation).

Final Thesis & Defense Form

  1. Following a successful defense of the final thesis manuscript and approval from your Chair, you need to submit the following final documents into ProQuest: 
    1. Final approved thesis manuscript (properly formatted and in PDF) can be uploaded in the PDF Tab.
    2. Thesis Final Defense Form (with signatures) can be uploaded in the Supplemental Files Tab. 
    3. Make sure your final thesis adheres to our formatting guide
  2. Choose your publishing option that works best for you. 
  3. Hit Submit! 
  4. After the Graduate School reviews your submission, the Dean of the Graduate School will sign off on your thesis and we will mark your thesis requirement complete in your student record. You will receive a copy of the signed defense form via email. 
  5. You are done! If revisions are needed, we will send your submission back with instructions on what to change. 

Behind the Scenes

  1. After receiving your submission, the Grad School is notified by ProQuest and will review your final thesis for graduate school formatting requirements (Document may be returned for GS required edits—see formatting guide).
  2. Once the final thesis meets all GS requirements, we will print the Final Thesis Defense Approval form for the Dean of Graduate School signature.
  3. We will upload the signed Final Thesis Defense Approval Form back to your submission and mark the thesis ready for publication. We will also mark your thesis complete in your student record.
  4. You will be notified through ProQuest that your thesis was accepted. Please keep an eye on your catamount email for correspondences.

*Note—this process may take several weeks depending on edits needed and responsiveness of student.

  Requirements  Deadlines
  • Thesis Committee Chair
  • Thesis Committee Members
  • Tentative Thesis Title
  • Thesis Abstract
  • Thesis Abstract Form

In the semester prior to your anticipated graduation term: 

  • April 10
  • July 10
  • November 10 
  • April 10 (Spring Graduates)

  • July (Summer graduates)

  • November 10 (Fall graduates)

Disquisition Students - EdD Only

Process for Completing your Disquisition (DQ): Proposal through Defense

Disquisition Proposal Form

May 15th - Program Deadline
June 10th- Graduate School Deadline

For students considered "on track/with original cohort". Students who are working outside original cohort should work closely with advisor on timelines.

  1. During your 1st Spring Semester - Identify an appropriate topic for your DQ with your faculty. 
  2. During your 2nd Fall Semester - create your DQ committee and choose your committee chair(internal program process, no GS requirements).
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee chair to ensure all members of the thesis committee have graduate faculty status.
  3. Attend a DQ Workshop in September orientate yourself with ProQuest.
  4. From your 2nd Fall semester into your 2nd Spring semester, defend your DQ Proposal to your committee (internal program process, no GS requirements).
  5. After committee approval, you now can create an account in ! When creating your ProQuest account please remember the following:
    1. Fill out your contact information completely. This is the only way the Grad School can find your documents.
    2. If you have a common name, or wish to identify your work more accurately, you can create an OrchidID in PQ. 
    3. Do not submit in PQ unless you are in the final stages (submitting finished DQ  & defense form).
  6. Upload the following documents in ProQuest in the Supplemental File Tab once your committee has approved your DQ Proposal:
    1. Title of DQ (can be tentative—however, it becomes “final” 12 weeks before graduation)
    2. Disquisition Proposal Form (with signatures)
    3. Students should email a copy of their signed Disquisition Proposal Defense Committee Approval form to Dr. Emily Virtue () by May 15th.
  7. Do not submit, instead, email the Grad School that you have uploaded your initial documents:  grad@wcu.edu 
  8. Behind the Scenes- After you email us, the Graduate School will do the following:
      1. Verify that all members of the committee have graduate faculty status.
      2. Enter your DQ title in your student record. 
  9. Hooray! The first step is complete. Please keep in mind your deadline for submitting the final documents during your graduation term: April 10th (Spring Graduation)

Final Disquisition - April 10th Deadline

  1. In your 3rd Spring Semester attend a DQ Workshop (scheduled in Feburary) to refresh your ProQuest memory. If you feel confident in ProQuest, skip this step.
  2. Defend: During your 3rd Spring Semester you should defend your Final Disquisition to your committee (internal program process, no GS requirements).
  3. Following a successful defense of the final DQ manuscript and approval from your Chair, you need to submit the following final documents into ProQuest:
    1. Final approved DQ paper (properly formatted and in PDF)
    2. Disquisition Final Defense Form (with signatures) can be uploaded in the Supplemental Files Tab.
    3. Make sure your final thesis adheres to our formatting guide  
  1. Choose your publishing option that works best for you. 
  2. Hit Submit! 
  3. After the Graduate School reviews your submission, the Dean of the Graduate School will sign off on your DQ and we will mark your DQ requirement complete in your student record. You will receive a copy of the signed defense form via email. 
  4. Email Dr. Emily Virtue () your completed signature page and final DQ document by April 10th. 
  5. You are done! If revisions are needed, we will send your submission back with instructions on what to change. 

Behind the Scenes

  1. After receiving your submission, the Grad School is notified by ProQuest and will review your final thesis for graduate school formatting requirements (Document may be returned for GS required edits—see formatting guide).
  2. Once the final DQ meets all GS requirements, we will print the Final DQ Defense Approval form for the Dean of Graduate School signature.
  3. We will upload the signed Final DQ Defense Approval Form back to your submission and mark your DQ ready for publication. We will also mark your DQ complete in your student record.
  4. You will be notified through ProQuest that your DQ was accepted. Please keep an eye on your catamount email for correspondences.

*Note—this process may take several weeks depending on edits needed and responsiveness of student.

Spring graduation Deadlines 
May 15 (of 2nd Spring semester)

April 10 (Spring Graduates)


Dissertation Students - PsyD Only

The Dissertation Process: Prospectus Defense through Dissertation Defense

The Dissertation Prospectus

December 15 - Program Deadline
November 10th - Graduate School Deadline
  1. During your 1st Spring Semester - Identify an appropriate topic for your Dissertation with your faculty. 
  2. During your 2nd Fall Semester - create your Dissertation committee, choose your committee chair, and defend your dissertation prospectus(internal program process, no GS requirements).
    1. It is the responsibility of the committee chair to ensure all members of the thesis committee have graduate faculty status.
  3. Attend a Dissertation Workshop in September orientate yourself with ProQuest.
  4. After committee approval, you now can create an account in ! When creating your ProQuest account please remember the following:
    1. Fill out your contact information completely. This is the only way the Grad School can find your documents.
    2. If you have a common name, or wish to identify your work more accurately, you can create an OrchidID in PQ. 
    3. Do not submit in PQ unless you are in the final stages (submitting finished DQ  & defense form).
  5. Upload the following documents in ProQuest in the Supplemental File Tab once your committee has approved your DQ Proposal:
    1. Title of Dissertation (can be tentative)
    2. Dissertation Prospectus Form(with signatures) 
  6. Do not submit, instead, email the Grad School that you have uploaded your initial documents:  grad@wcu.edu 
  7. Behind the Scenes- After you email us, the Graduate School will do the following:
    1. Verify that all members of the committee have graduate faculty status.
    2. Enter the thesis title into your student record. 
  8. Hooray! The first step is complete. Please keep in mind your deadline for submitting the final documents during your graduation term: August 15th.

The Final Dissertation

  1. Defend: In your 2nd Spring or 2nd Summer Semester, you will defend you final dissertation to your committee (internal program process, no GS requirements). 
  2. Following a successful defense of the final dissertation manuscript and approval from your Chair, you need to submit the following final documents into ProQuest: 
    1. Final approved Dissertation manuscript (properly formatted and in PDF) can be uploaded in the PDF Tab.
    2. Dissertation Final Defense Form (with signatures) can be uploaded in the Supplemental Files Tab
    3. Make sure your final dissertation adheres to our formatting guide
  3. Choose your publishing option that works best for you. 
  4. Hit Submit!
  5. After the Graduate School reviews your submission, the Dean of the Graduate School will sign off on your dissertation and we will mark your dissertation requirement complete in your student record. You will receive a copy of the signed defense form via email. 
  6. You are done! If revisions are needed, we will send your submission back with instructions on what to change. 

Behind the Scenes

  1. After receiving your submission, the Grad School is notified by ProQuest and will review your final dissertation for graduate school formatting requirements (Document may be returned for GS required edits—see formatting guide).
  2. Once the final dissertation meets all GS requirements, we will print the Final Dissertation Defense Approval form for the Dean of Graduate School signature.
  3. We will upload the signed Final Dissertation Defense Approval Form back to your submission and mark your Dissertationready for publication. We will also mark your Dissertation complete in your student record.
  4. You will be notified through ProQuest that your Dissertation was accepted. Please keep an eye on your catamount email for correspondences.

*Note—this process may take several weeks depending on edits needed and responsiveness of student.

  • Dissertation Committee Chair
  • Dissertation Committee Members
  • Tentative Dissertation Title
  • Dissertation Prospectus Form
  • Prospectus Manuscript
December 15 (of 2nd year)
August 15 (of 2nd Year)


Students who do not complete the dissertation requirements in the second year, must submit the dissertation at least 4 weeks prior to graduation in the term they plan to graduate. For students considered "on track/with original cohort". Students who are working outside original cohort should work closely with advisor on timelines.