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Tuition and Fees Committee

This committee is empowered to act under UNC policy 1000.1.1, 1000.1.2, and the recommendations of the 2010-11 UNC Task Force on Tuition and Fees. Its purpose is to review tuition and fee increase proposals, actively solicit student input on these proposals, make recommendations to the Chancellor, and certify student involvement in the process.


The membership of the Tuition and Fees Committee is appointed by the Chancellor. UNC Policy dictates some members and student members were recommended by the SGA President to the Chancellor.

Representative Organization
Sam Miller, Co-Chair Student Affairs
Aaron Hoyle-Rivera, Co-Chair Student Government Association
Basel Alsayyed Faculty Senate
Morgan Burnett Budget Office
Linda Davis Academic Affairs
Richard Gamble Staff Senate
Patrick Rooney Student Government Association
Trina Orr Financial Aid
Karina Rodriguez Student Government Association
Yalaina Bisumber Student-At-Large
Grady Jones  Student Government Association
Henrietta Sackey Graduate Student
Betsy Aspinwall Dean of Students (Non-Voting)
Brady Proffitt Bursar (Non-Voting)


Committee Schedule

For questions or concerns regarding the Tuition and Fee process please contact the Student Affairs Office.

Date/Time Event Location
August Tuition and Fee Committee Appointed
September Meetings Scheduled  
9/19, 1:30 Meeting UC Cardinal Room
10/24, 1:30 Meeting UC CardinalRoom
10/31 Board of Trustees Forum  
11/4, 6:00 SGA Forum  UC Illusions Room
11/6, 12:00 Q&A Session UC Raleigh Room
11/7, 1:30 Meeting UC Cardinal Room
11/8  Student Survey Opens  
11/12, 5:00 Q&A Session UC Raleigh Room
11/14, 1:30 Meeting UC Cardinal Room
11/18 Student Survey Closes  
11/21, 1:30 Meeting UC Cardinal Room
11/25 Recommendations submitted to Chancellor
12/13 Board of Trustees Vote