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Budget Process

The Budget Process will begin with requests originating at the college/unit or department level. These requests will be finalized by each division after a series of open forums. Budget requests will consist of recurring and non-recurring requests for fiscal year 2025-26, and must align with the Honoring Our Promise Strategic Plan.

Recurring and non-recurring requests are submitted during the Spring semester prior to the campus-wide hearing where they will be considered for the next fiscal year.  The 2025-26 Budget Process page (link at right) contains instructions, calendar, and division/campus forum dates and proposed department/division budget requests as available.

The Facilities Planning Requests request process allows units across campus to submit requests for a variety of facilities needs. Facilities requests are not considered budget requests and are not prioritized alongside other requests. This form is only a mechanism for gathering information about potential building/space needs, in a convenient way, tied to a regular annual process. Facilities request will be routed to Facilities Management or the Space Management Committee, depending on the nature of the request. The form is simple to fill out and is a way to start the conversation around a potential space need. 

Ready to get started?

Click on the  Current Budget Process 2025-26 Process - (Purple Button at Right)

University Wide Budget Forums

Chancellor’s Budget Forum - Spring 

  • Each member of the Executive Council will present his/her Division’s prioritized budget requests.
  • Presentations are limited to 25 minutes.
  • The Chancellor’s Leadership Council and the University Budget Advisory Committee should attend.
  • Chancellor’s Leadership Council & Budget Advisory Committee Budget Retreat will occur in late April.
  • The Chancellor’s Leadership Council and the Budget Advisory Committee will engage in dialogue regarding institutional budget priorities.