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At ĢƵ we strive to create a campus core that is pedestrian friendly. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors can easily move from one instructional site to another, from residence halls to entertainment venues, all without needing a vehicle. We also encourage people to use our Cat-Tran campus shuttle service, designed to enhance campus safety while minimizing traffic congestion.

Long-Term Storage

A has been added so that resident students may “sٴǰ” their vehicles off campus for a minimal fee. This offers added convenience for residents still needing occasional access to a vehicle. Students living on campus and eligible for residential parking may apply for this permit. This long-term storage lot is a portion of the HHS overflow lot #76B and will have its own permit. The CAT-TRAN accesses this lot during business hours.

Please note: Long-term storage lot permits do not include on-campus parking but are available to all students including commuters.

Move-in Maps


Parking Lots

Catamount Center lot # 73, HHS gravel lot # 76B, Print Shop Overflow lot #27E and Lower Norton lot # 27B are designated for freshman parking. All students must have a valid freshman parking permit to use these lots. Parking is on a first come, first served basis.  Students are encouraged to walk or ride the shuttle to classes

Please keep in mind the line colors in a parking lot. Yellow lines are for Faculty/Staff while white lines are for students.

Commuter parking will be moved to one area of campus to allow students to enter and access commuter lots through Forrest Hills Road reducing traffic flow problems at the main entrance during peak hours. Commuter students now have the freedom of entering and exiting the University without driving through the core of campus searching for a parking space. Commuter permits will be monitored 7am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Commuters have the ability to park in Faculty/Staff Monday-Friday after 5pm as well as on weekends. Note that this does not include parking in meter lots without paying or reserved spaces.

Please keep in mind the line colors in a parking lot. Yellow lines are for Faculty/Staff while white lines are for students.

Resident parking will be located directly around the living areas on campus. This should allow students to park their vehicles near their dorms and walk, bike, or use the Cat Tran to travel into the core of campus for classes, dining and other activities. Resident lots will be monitored from 7am-11pm M-F. Walmart shuttles run once a month. Please contact Residential Living for Walmart shuttle scheduling information: 828.227.7303  l  housingquestions@wcu.edu.

Please keep in mind the line colors in a parking lot.  Yellow lines are for Faculty/Staff while white lines are for students.

Meter lots have been relocated as of August 1, 2018. Killian East lot #34 and UC lot #31 will now be a metered lot. All metered lots enable students, faculty/staff and visitors to park and explore the center of campus while enjoying dining, and shopping throughout our campus. Meter rates are $1.00 per 30 minutes for all metered lots. Metered lots are monitored 7am-11pm, 7 days a week. Meter lots can be easily identified as the parking lines are green.

In a hurry? Use the ParkMobile app! Information on how to use the app

PLEASE NOTE: Dix Gap Lot#63C, Buchanan Lot#54, the top tier in Baptist 4-Tier Lot#37 and top half of Camp Lot#4A are now reserved for Faculty/Staff parking.  

Please keep in mind the line colors in a parking lot. Yellow lines are for Faculty/Staff, while white lines are for students and green lines are for meter lots.  

A long-term storage lot has been added so that resident students may “sٴǰ” their vehicles off campus for a minimal fee. This offers added convenience for residents still needing occasional access to a vehicle. Students living on campus and eligible for residential parking may apply for this permit. The Cat-Tran accesses this lot during business hours.

Please note: Long-term storage lot permits do not include on-campus parking, and are available to all students including commuters. 

Overflow parking is in the HHS Gravel lot #76B, Lower Norton lot # 27B and Print Shop Overflow lot #27E.