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Move-In Maps

Move-in day at Scott Hall (located where the Rocks currently stand)


Move-in 2024: August 9 - August 18

Days and Times


  • 8am-10:30am
  • 11:00pm-1:30pm
  • 2:00pm-4:30pm


  • 8am-10:30am
  • 11:00am-1:30pm
  • 2:00pm-4:30pm.
  • 5:00pm-7:30pm

Move-In Lot Closures

Vehicles parked in the lots below will be subject to tow at owners expense.  All vehicles must be parked in designated lots immediately after unloading is complete. Enforcement/Towing will begin Wednesday August 11, 2021.

Lots closed beginning August 9- August 18

  • Allen (lot 59)
  • Blue Ridge (lot 15)
  • Judaculla Front (lot 59A)
  • Noble (rear fire lane access)

Important Information

In addition to parking lot updates, we have a system that we use to make your move-in experience a breeze!

Parents/Visitors will need to park in lots designated for commuters once they are finished assisting their group unload. Students: Parking will be enforced starting the day you arrive! Please familiarize yourself with the so that you know where to park once you arrive on campus.

Vehicle Registration will open June 1, 2023. Please register for parking permits early. There are no physical permits for this year. 

Parking Info for Move-In Day

All students will begin their move in journey in the . Here they will obtain keys as well as a packet of general information. Once they have received their materials, then they will be able to access their dorm. After the vehicles are unloaded we ask that parents/visitors move to a lot designated for commuters. Please do not park in the same parking lot as your student! Students are asked to move to lots designated for their permit type. If at any point you have parking questions, please call our office at 828.227.7275. 

  • Parents/Visitors of incoming students are welcome to bring a vehicle to campus.  We do ask that if you are not unloading anything from your car, please go straight to a commuter parking lot and either walk, carpool or take the cat-tran shuttle to the dorm.  Commuter lots are highlighted in yellow on our and there will be signs to help you get there.
  • Students will receive several emails in the coming weeks regarding parking regulations, links to move in maps, parking maps, etc. Please ask your student to share these communications with you to help make your move in experience more pleasant.

Here are a few things you need to know when you arrive.

  • Parking rules/regulations will be enforced the day you arrive! Please make sure that your vehicle is parked in the lot designated for your permit as soon as you are done unloading your things.  If you are unsure what lot you can park in, please refer to the  or call our office at 828.227.7275.  Tickets and towing will occur if vehicles are non-compliant
  • You will need a parking permit to park on campus at all times.  
  • Lots will be enforced as soon as you arrive!  Please make sure that your vehicle is parked in the lot designated for your permit as soon as you are done unloading your things.  Check the for reference.  Tickets and towing will occur if vehicles are non-compliant on the first day of classes.

Residence Hall Directions

Plan ahead! The maps below are in alphabetical order by dorm name and will give you an idea of what to expect on move-in day.